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Bipolar Disorder Symptoms - Articles SurfingBipolar disorder is a mental illness that effects over 2 millions American adults every single year. Because it is a recurrent illness it can be very difficult to treat; patients may think they are feeling better and stop the treatment but this will only see the problems recurring. It is difficult to spot bipolar disorder symptoms because the nature of the illness means that patients spend as much time in a state of mania (up) as they do in depression. It should be fairly easy to notice when a person who is close to you goes through this cycle on a regular basis and the second you see evidence of it you should make an appointment to see the sufferer's physician. They will be able to refer you to a psychiatrist if required. Severe cases of either of the swings associated with bipolar disease can lead to symptoms of psychosis which can include hallucination and delusions. These should also be very easy to spot but it is unlikely that the sufferer themselves will do so. morbid thoughts are the most worrying of symptoms and many people subconsciously ignore them in the hope they go away. However, if you suspect the patient is having morbid thoughts and contemplating suicide you should act immediately to prevent the worst from happening. If necessary call 911. Depression can be spotted quite easily too but can be overlooked as just being a down day. A sad or anxious mood that lasts for an extended period of time is the most obvious sign of depression and the first thing you should look for. Other signs include a loss of interest in things that would have previously caused excitement, including hobbies or sex. Manic episodes can be easy to spot and include an increase in energy and a euphoric mood. Obviously if a person has been depressed for any length of time and then suddenly shows these characteristics it is likely to be very evident and easily noticed. Other signs of mania can include an increased sex drive, a lack of concentration, spending sprees and many more.
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