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Black Mold Health Effects - What Kills Mold? - Articles SurfingBlack molds and mildews are known for bringing about various health problems in human beings. Though they are essential for earth's ecosystem, they are not at all good for our health. Indoor black molds can result in serious health issues for men, women, kids and seniors. Individuals with compromised immune system suffer a lot when exposed to black molds. Mold spores are released in air. Hyphal fragments become airborne when stirred by any of the external forces. These airborne particles are so small in size that human eyes cannot see them. When individuals inhale moldy air, these particles enter into the system and easily make their way to lungs and other respiratory organs. Black mold health effects may turn up to be very serious. Initially it looks like common allergic reactions to cold or dust. But ignoring the early symptoms can be dangerous. Some of the symptoms of mold and mildew allergy are stuffy and runny noses, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, skin rashes, headache, irritation of throats and nausea. There can be other reactions of mold exposure too, it is better to consult a physician to know the exact cause of allergies. Troubles can begin suddenly. Individuals may feel congested as soon as they enter into a mold infected room, basement OR come into direct contact with any moldy piece of fabrics, curtains, leather jackets, carpets, wallpapers and other similar household materials. Should such symptoms occur, become careful. Mold infection is accompanied by a musty odor. This odor is the clue; it helps individuals identify the exact location of contamination. Humid places and the locations that had water damage are preferred by molds and mildews to grow in. Mold removal is the only way to get rid of such sticky molds. Here is a list of black mold health effects: Redness, irritation of eyes and watery eyes are known as common symptoms of mold infection. But the problem is these symptoms are also observed in cold and flu. Itchiness and redness can spread around the eyes and result in swelling of eye areas. Coughing, wheezing and sneezing also fall under common mold allergies. If you have had no history of cold or flu in recent past, and you are suffering form these symptoms, it can be a case of mold exposure. To be confirmed, walk into other parts of the house, get out in the garden and go in to open air. If the conditions continue to be the same, perhaps you have cold. Otherwise, the place wherein your suffering started has got molds. Direct contact with toxic black mold and mildews often result in skin rashes. Itchiness, swelling and tenderness are the general signs of skin allergies due to mold. These are also similar like other types of allergic responses, hence, difficult to diagnose unless the victim is sure of handling any contaminated substance. Some individuals are more responsive to the molds; however, almost everybody shows some of the above mentioned symptoms with different intensity when exposed to molds and mildews. People with asthma and compromised immune system experience really bad conditions in presence of toxic black molds and mildews. What kills mold? Mold cleaning and mold removal both are important when it comes to killing mold. Exhaust fan, air conditioning system and dehumidifier can help you clear airborne mold particles. To clean mold infected substances, you can use mold cleaning products which are natural. Mold cleaners made of organic substances are free from side effects and quite effective too. While cleaning molds, one should be careful enough so that cleaning-time exposure does not result into severe black mold health issues.
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