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Bladder Infection Awareness Among Women - Articles SurfingThe urinary tract is a filter system used by the body to eliminate wastes. On most occasions the urinary tract does its job excellent, but sometimes an infection can occur, called a Urinary Tract Infection. One of the most common causes of UTI is bacteria that live on the skin on or near the vagina which then can easily spread into the urinary tract. When women feel a urinary tract infection, it is the bacteria reaching all the way to the bladder, causing the infection. Women are definitely more susceptible to urinary tract infections since sexual intercourse is the most common way to have a UTI. With all the movement during intercourse, if any bacteria are present in the vaginal area, it can easily be picked up by the penis and enter the vagina. Women who have sexual intercourse more frequently or change sexual partners often begin having urinary tract infections more often than women in monogamous relationships. There are some women that get a urinary tract infection every time they have intercourse. Waiting to urinate beyond when your body tells you to be another cause of UTI. The bladder is a muscle that when full, it expands and contracts when it is empty. When the bladder is not emptied right away and if forced to stay full, it expands beyond normal capacity and thus makes it weaker. The problem with this is only a strong bladder can get all of the urine out. A weak bladder will cause some urine to stay in the bladder after emptied and it will cause an infection. Symptoms of an UTI are easily to recognize. It is a strong urge to urinate in which you need to go right away and followed by a burning sensation in the urethra when you do urinate. On most occasions, only a small amount of urine comes out, making the infection more painful. As with any other infection, antibiotics may be used to fight the infection. It is necessary to finish the medication, as UTI's are easy to come back if not treated correctly. It is important that if you do frequently get UTI's, you might want to look to a supplement as a preventative measure. There are some supplements that are designed just for this irritation and Bladder Health. Most supplements will carry a cranberry extract. Here are just a few tips that will decrease your chances of getting a urinary tract infection: Drinking a lot of water is one preventative way of containing an UTI. When we drink plenty of water, our body is constantly flushing out bacteria. But remember the more you drink, the more you will urinate so make sure you do urinate when your bladder feels full and lets you know it is time to go. Practicing excellent personal hygiene is the number one way to decrease the risk of UTI. When showering, make sure you clean all the areas on and near where infections can occur. Cranberry juice is a natural supplement. Cranberry is natural and it helps to keep the urinary tract clean and free of toxins. Cranberry comes in liquid and pill forms. Vitamin C is good for the urine since it causes it to become acidic, resulting in the reduction of bacteria entering the urinary tract system. Urinary Tract Infections are more common than we may think and can become painful. Remember that this can be easily treatable and there are plenty of supplements you can take to aid in preventing UTI's. When these symptoms are treated early on, the infection is easier to go away. Remember that if you think your problem is serious, please consult your doctor.
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