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Blood Pressure Monitor - Is You're Blood Pressure Ok? - Articles SurfingThe focus on reducing high blood pressure in today's society is more so then ever now we now know that living with a high blood pressure can result in having a stroke or a fatal heart attack. High blood pressure is the most common cardiovascular disease amongst the older generation aged 60 plus ' high blood pressure actually effects 2 in 3 in those aged 70 or above and often comes without warnings, lending it the name 'The Silent Killer'. The reason heart attacks are common amongst those with high blood pressure is simply because the heart must work far more then normal and eventually is unable to carry out the excessive workload high blood pressure demands in the body. Due to the silent nature of a high blood pressure it's recommended you monitor your blood pressure regularly, especially if you're in the 60 plus age range. Once a year is enough to keep tabs on your blood pressure and it's cheap and painless ' therefore no one has any excuse not to monitor theirs! Your doctor will have a blood pressure monitor and you can get yourself checked out there and then in the doctor's office or surgery. It's very swift. There is however other methods of monitoring your blood pressure and these include devices you can use at home. The type of device you will need to monitor your own blood pressure is called the sphygmomanometer ' this comes with the cuff and systems to register your blood pressure accurately. You can even get ones which give automatic read-outs. I recommend searching around the Internet and choose the right device for you as there are many choices out there. The most important factor is you exercise regularly and take good care of yourself.
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