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Bob Doyle, Creator Of Wealth Beyond Reason Shares His Idea Of The Fountain Of Youth - Articles Surfing

This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at http://fountainofyouthworldsummit.com. In this excerpt, Bob Doyle shares his ideas and concept of the fountain of youth.

The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Bob Doyle, creator and facilitator of Wealth Beyond Reason.

Kevin: Wow, that's fantastic. I got a couple questions here. We call 'hot seat' questions.

Bob: No.

Kevin: Yes, I know, no, no, and they're actually a lot of fun. I ruly believe in modeling and when you hear someone who's successful, whether it's wealth, health, wellness, anything, business, success, I really think it's important to listen in and just find out what do people are doing themselves to actually get the results that you're looking for, too. So what I'm going to do here is I got a couple here and we'll see how long we got and so you ready?

Bob: I guess.

Kevin: You guess, yes. What aren't you doing today that you think you should be doing or that's provided a lot of results for you in the past?

Bob: Exercising more. No question about it. It's one of those things that I talked about how obsessive I was about it and but once I poured myself, once my inspiration changed towards this whole path of 'Wealth Beyond Reason' and you know I just I pour myself so into it fully if I'm as much into this what I'm doing now as I was with you know when I was into fitness and so when I was doing fitness I poured everything I had into that and so now I'm doing this and so I know I need to be exercising more. I need to be eating better, you know, cause I know what to do. It's just one of those things that I've just allowed myself to have fun with the lifestyle change and all of that and so that's an easy one.

Kevin: And you're okay with that? You're okay with...

Bob: I'm okay with it because I know that I can I know what to do. It's not like, 'Oh, gosh, how will I ever, ever...' you know it's easy. I just go into the room next door and I start doing this again. It's changing my habits, that's all. I just got out of a habit of doing it like I did because, oddly enough, I was in my best shape when I was working in a corporate environment because I would always just go to the gym on my way to work.

Well, now my gym's at home and I thought, 'Well, this is going to be even better. Cause now it's just right there'. Well, the total opposite happened. It's like, 'Well, it's there. I can do it anytime'. My whole habit of working out changed because I had all this flexibility before. I had to be at the gym at 5:30 cause I had to be at work by whatever time and that was it and that worked for me. So it's just about getting into new habits and making the decision to do it.

Kevin: Wow, that's great. How do you practice differently now than when you first started the 'Wealth Beyond Reason' program? What, is there any kind of you know points that have changed the way that you approach other people now with the law of attraction?

Bob: Well, I think you know for me personally things I do differently you know I started it like most people do and you learn these little techniques like writing lists or cutting out pictures and all of these things are designed to change your emotional state and get you into vibrational resonance with what you want. So it's what I do now is I don't think about it as a program or little things to do and all. It's just the way it is. I'm just constantly aware that I am attracting my experience and so something's
going on that doesn't seem right, I can just make adjustments in the moment.

So it's about living the law of attraction more of a, it was just like fitness for me, in fact, that it became a lifestyle, not a program anymore. It was just how I was. It's just how it is. I mean, this is the law of attraction is how I live my life, but not, you know, incognizant of the fact that I'm attracting. Now I'm not always thinking of walking around, going, 'Oh, law of attraction did this. Law of attraction did this.' It's just now I feel like I'm more in my own, in my natural state of I am in concert with the universe with what's going on in my life and if something's happening that's not you know, I'm not enjoying.

Well, then it just means that somewhere I'm vibrating; I'm in resonance with what this is happening. Could be, could've been something that it could be another limiting belief that I've had for years and years. That I had not yet identified and I can work on and then know more. I can say, 'Okay, well, so had a bad day. No big deal' you know?

And it's just about what are you going to do with that feeling in the moment? So you know I think one of the ways I've changed is that I used to just wallow in the bad days. 'No, I'm having a bad day' and of course that's just you know you get people who are like that. You know, some people will just say well, that's who they are. They're people who have bad days and they wallow in it and then they of course they attract more and more. So it's about making those choices every moment for a better feeling thought. If that's what you want to do.

Kevin: Sure. Everyone knows and it might be, you know, someone who's listening now, but everyone knows the person who wallows in the bad days. How do you bring this information to them?

Bob: Yes, you know, I'm not a person who does that.

Kevin: Okay.

Bob: It's interesting because I'm not an evangelist for the law of attraction, you know? I'm not out there to convince anybody that they should be doing their lives any differently and that's okay. There are people, there are law of attraction teachers or whatever who, that's their purpose. They have that sense of purpose.

Kevin: Okay.

Bob: I don't, because to me it takes me out of the vibrational state that I want to be in and focuses on their you know trying to drag them out of theirs and then you start to match their vibration. Now I just don't want any part of that. My role in this, I feel, at least at this point in my life, is to attract the people who are ready for this message. They may not, you know, know about it already. They may not have 100% belief, but at least they're in resonance with listening and learning and all of that. And that makes my life a lot more fun. When I first started it was different. You know, when I first started I would attract a totally different type of person than I do now.

Kevin: Interesting...

Bob: Cause I was in a totally different state vibrationally, you know? I attracted more people who were kind of where I was and now, well, the same holds true. I mean, I still attract people who, you know, aren't, who are in what people would call bad situations. But I don't have to match their vibration anymore like I used to because it was so like real to me then and now I've seen what can happen if you just utilize these things.

So I don't go chasing after people saying, 'Hey, law of attraction, law of attraction. Do this. I know, I can help you with that' unless they you know I attract the people and they come to me and believe me, I've got enough, and that works just fine. I don't need to be done make myself any busier by finding people who I think need the law of attraction.

Kevin: I got you. If you wanted someone to take something away from this call right now, you know, what would be the message that you want to give someone who's listening? I mean there's thousands of people on this call. What would you give to them right now to say, 'Hey, this is what it can do for you. This is what you need'. Whatever you think is best for them right now.

Bob: Well, I mean, first of all, if they're brand new to the law of attraction I just, what they need to understand is that it is at work in their lives. Whether or not they believe it and they can either work in concert with it or let it or they can keep continue to attract by default. You know if they just write this off and say, 'This is new age nonsense' that's fine. They're going to attract all the evidence they need to support that decision. That's the irony of the law of attraction. If a person resisted, doesn't believe it, they will, by the law of attraction, attract the evidence they need to support their position.

Kevin: So, we're running out of time here, but I have one last question for you, Bob. When you think about the fountain of youth, what first comes to mind?

Bob: When I think of the fountain of youth I think of having that, okay, how can I put this? To be able to feel that sense of exuberance for the duration of your life, whatever that, whatever duration is, if you live 30 years, if you live 100 years, you can have, you can always feel young. Utilizing law of attraction principles, staying healthy, whatever you want to do, you know, you have the choice to feel youthful, you know, for as long as you live and I think obviously the more you feel youthful, the longer you probably will live, the longer your duration will be.

But I think it's just really a matter of looking at what is, it's like what does wealth to you? What does health mean to you? Well, what is youth mean to you? Does it mean you have a ton of energy and you're out playing everyday? Does it mean that you know you're, I don't know, surrounded by kids all day? I have no idea. It's just whatever, the fountain of youth says to me that there is, you can tap into a source, the energy is out there, to help you feel young for as long as you want to feel young.

Kevin: It's great stuff. Do you feel young right now?

Bob: Oh yes, yep and very grateful for that cause I certainly have peers my age who seem much older than me.

Kevin: Yes, and I think a lot of people don't put enjoyment and work together and I think this is what I'm hearing from you is that whether it's work in terms of health or wealth or anything there has to be some enjoyment correct?

Bob: Yes. Take your career, it's 8 hours out of your day. If you're not enjoying 8 hours, a third of your life, that's going to have a tremendous emotional or energetic impact on everything you can attract in your life in general. So, yes, finding the enjoyment in what you do with the majority of your day is key.

Submitted by:

Kevin Gianni

To read the rest of this transcript as well as access The Fountain of Youth World Summit experts just like Bob Doyle please click here! Kevin Gianni is an internationally recognized health advocate, author & film consultant. He has helped thousands of people take control of their own health naturally. For more information visit raw food diets and holistic nutrition.



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