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Body Fat Weight Scales: Help Calculate & Track Your Body Fat Composition - Articles SurfingAs awareness of the health risks associated with being overweight continues to grow, body fat weight scales are in high demand. For people concerned about their weight and overall health, body fat weight scales are popular items in today's market, and for good reason. Body fat weight scales will help calculate and track your body composition, BMI (Body Mass Index), weight, and body fat percentage. We specifically carry state-of-the-art body fat weight scales in our inventory so you can rely on their durability and accuracy. If you're committed to improving your health through exercise and adhering to a disciplined diet, then body fat weight scales are for you. And it goes without saying that if you're a nutritionist, dietitian, trainer, or even a physical therapist, body fat weight scales will be critical additions to your practice. Put simply, there's just nothing at all worth the risk of being overweight. Beyond the health risks associated with obesity, being overweight can increase your chances of acquiring the following: Diabetes Recommended BMI Thresholds Males ' Underweight = less than 20 Females ' Underweight = less than 18 As your BMI goes up, so does your risk of developing weight-related diseases, such as those previously listed. Nonetheless, some fat is essential. Essential fats are necessary for normal physiological and biological functioning. Such fats, however, are stored in bone marrow, and around internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, muscles, and lipid rich tissues of the central nervous system. It is excess fat that is the concern here. Excess fat is produced when the intake of calories in the form of food and drink is more than the energy expended. When the body is given more calories than necessary for standard maintenance and physical activity, this excess energy is stored in the form of body fat. The only way to lose this excess fat is to burn more energy than calories consumed, typically through an exercise and diet regimen. The use of a body fat weight scale will not only help you track your BMI, but track your fat percentage as well. The American Council on Exercise provides the following ranges for body-fat percentage: ........................Women......Men A person's body-fat percentage and BMI can be measured via body fat weight scales, not through the use of ordinary medical scales.
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