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Bottled Water Service ' Health, Quality And Convenience - Articles Surfing

Every day more and more people are realizing the benefits of adopting a healthy life style and one of the basic ingredients of good health is healthy drinking water. This is true not only for the individual, but for their families as well. Starting young children off on healthy living will go a long way to ensure future longevity.

Tap water is not the answer. Although regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), tap water is far from pure. The only thing that EPA regulation ensures is that tap water does not exceed a minimum level of toxins and other contaminants. As soon as people discovered how many toxins and added chemicals are contained in the water that comes out of their taps, they often explore bottled water service for the home.

What used to be affordable only for business is now available for individual home makers and families as well.

It seems is that of every other house on the block now has a bottled water service. More and more people are realizing just how important it is to have a convenient source of pure, refreshing water at home as well as at the office. Many bottled water service providers have tailored their home delivery offerings to fit both individual and family needs. As a result, the consumer is now able to sign up for home bottled water service that serves their needs and is affordable at the same time.

Tips for Home Delivery Water Service:

First of all, make sure you know what you are getting for your money. There are many types of water on the market but the highest quality water is considered by many to be purified water using a distilled, oxygenated process.

In terms of delivery, quality water suppliers often set up a plan whereby you can actually tell the company how much water you believe you require so they can give you a solid estimate as to what you'll need. These plans are tailored to the budget requirements of the consumer.

However, you have to bear in mind that there's a lot more to bottled water service than the water. Quality water suppliers also offer high grade accessories and customer service.

Next, you'll also need the water cooler unit, which can contain a heating element as well, cups and you will want ongoing maintenance in case of mechanical failure. There are many grades of coolers on the market of differing levels of quality and price but it is best to spend a few dollars more per month to get a quality cooler that will provide years of service.

In addition, consider the quality of the water bottles. Some quality suppliers deliver water bottles with spill proof caps and easy carrying handles. This makes use of the water easy, safe and convenient.

Customer service is an important part of the delivery service. It is best to deal with a supplier that has a culture of customer service with ready access to customer service personnel (as opposed to a phone tree or answering machine) for service issues. Some water suppliers have invested in e-commerce sites that afford easy ordering off of the internet.

Take Care in Contracting

Be careful of long term commitments with hidden cancellation fees. Before signing a contract, make sure you know what you're paying for. Also, you should ask if there is any flexibility to the plans. There are some services that you may not want so there's no sense in paying for them. There are a small number of suppliers who don't require long term contracts and have enough confidence in the quality of their products and service to operate without a contract. These are the suppliers who are best to deal with.

If you must sign a contract, always check the fine print so the supplier doesn't take advantage. Beware, many suppliers will. Some bottled water services assess fees and penalties if your actual usage varies from the amount stated in your plan. There is usually a penalty if you terminate the contract before it expires. Some suppliers charge delivery fees and fuel surcharges. Quality suppliers do not.

If you simply want to try out the bottled water service for a while, avoid signing any long term contracts until you feel comfortable with what you'll consume. The more you know about the plan right from the start, the less chance there will be of encountering problems later on. Try to choose a supplier that wants to work with individual consumers, operates with integrety and provides customer oriented customer service.

After arranging for bottled water service in the home, many consumers notice a distinct improvement in the taste of coffee, tea, and meals. In addition, pure water consumers feel much better knowing that their drinking water is clean and pure and the basis of a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their family.

Submitted by:

Marcus Stout

Marcus Stout is President of Element H2O. For more information about bottled water, private label bottled water and bottled water delivery go to www.elementh2o.com



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