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Bronchial Asthma: Natural Treatment And Overview Of Causes - Articles SurfingBefore we discuss about bronchial asthma natural treatment, let us have an overview of the disease itself. Bronchial asthma is a severe respiratory disorder, characterized by sudden onset of acute distress arising from difficulty to inhale air. This disease generally affects human beings and cats. On contracting this disease, the patient shows symptoms such as prolonged expiration, severe coughing, and mild cyanosis (a state wherein the tongue and gums of the patient become blue). In such a condition, the rectal temperature of the patient could elevate slightly on account of breathing problems and anxiety. Also, blood reports of such patients are generally normal, except for abnormally high eosinophils (white blood cells) that multiply rapidly, triggered by secretion of 'histamine' in the body, which is usually allergic. There are many treatment options for bronchial asthma but natural treatments are the best option for this condition. Causes Of Bronchial Asthma: Bronchial asthma is primarily caused by a heightened resistance in the body to the airflow in the bronchitis. In such a situation, even though the muscles in the organ try very hard to support the increased breathing activity and rapid gas exchange, they fail. Consequently, the patient suffers from what is generally known as a bronchial asthma, characterized by bronchial muscle spasms, swollen bronchial wall, and increased secretion of mucus. Other causes could be respiratory infections, excessive exercise, allergies, or prolonged exposure to pollutants, stress, smoke, and contaminated or stale food and drugs. In some cases, bronchial asthma is also caused by allergies from fungi, molds, pollen, and dust. Symptoms Of Bronchial Asthma: One of the most common symptoms of bronchial asthma is the wheezing breath that causes a whistling noise in the chest and is often accompanied with short breaths. Also, mucus secretion increases during an asthma attack. In general, the asthma patient finds it extremely difficult to breathe and experiences acute pain in the chest and neighboring areas. Treatment For Bronchial Asthma: It is sad but true that there is no permanent cure for asthma. A patient can, however, learn to study the symptoms of this condition well and manage it whenever such a situation arises. The first and foremost thing that an asthma patient needs to be careful about is his environs. He must ensure that he is living in an environment that is free from irritants such as dust, smoke, pollutants, pets, and other allergens. If one insists on living in a clean and green area, asthma could be a rarity for him. There are many natural treatment options available for bronchial asthma that the patient can try in consultation with the health care provider. In situations, where one is bound to get exposed to environmental pollutants and allergens, using masks is a must. Any individual suffering from a breathing disorder should cover his nose and mouth while traveling in open or while cleaning and dusting activities. Cleanliness must be strictly followed in the open as well as at home. Asthma patients must make sure that their bedding, clothes, furniture etc are clean and do not collect dirt and dust. Using an atmosphere regulator is a good idea to control the humidity in the surroundings. Taking all such precautions would come in handy to assist bronchial asthma natural treatments for a speedy recovery. There are medical treatments also available in plenty for asthma patients. Patients can use inhalers, as per the doctor's prescription, for emergencies. There is also an entire range of pills and tablets available for such patients to keep asthma under control. However, avoid buying such drugs over-the-counter (OTC). Always undertake medical treatment under the supervision of a certified medical representative. Prevention is better than cure; though there is no permanent cure in case of asthma, you are perfectly capable of keeping the irritants away.
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