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Build Muscle Fast The Correct Way - Articles Surfing

A lot of people want to build muscle fast but they don't know how to do it properly. You need to know the correct number of sets and repetitions to use. You also need to know why muscles get bigger. By being informed, you will not end up frustrated and confused about why your muscles are not getting as big as you want them to be.

So what is the secret to build muscle fast that you need to know?

Training your whole body is an important factor that a lot of people don't realize needs to be done. The muscles in your legs and buttocks are some of the largest muscles you have. They will also cause your body to release more hormones that are important in your muscles growth.

Without these hormones, you will not get the muscle mass desired. By neglecting your legs and buttocks, you can retard your upper body development. So make sure that you concentrate on building muscle mass throughout your whole body.

Now the number one goal in weight training is to tear down your muscles so that you can build them back fast. Your muscles will repair and become stronger as your body rests and recovers after your workout. The way to build the most muscle mass is to do the correct number of sets and repetitions during your work out.

By using the proper load of weight, you will slightly tear and weaken your muscles. They will than adapt by becoming bigger and stronger than they were. After your workout, when your body is resting is when your muscles will repair themselves and become even stronger than they were before.

So what is the proper number of sets and repetitions that you need to do in order to build muscle fast? The number of sets that you need to do will depend on the area of your body that you are trying to build muscle mass to.

For the chest, back, and thighs, which is the large muscle groups, you will need to do between 5 to 7 sets. For the smaller muscles in your body, you will want to do between 2 to 4 sets. With most exercises, the 5 to 7 repetitions will be the best to help you build your muscle mass faster.

Make sure that you use a weight that will be heavy enough to give you the most work out for these 5 to 7 repetitions. For the calves and abdominal muscles, you will need to do even more repetitions. For these you will want to do between 10 to 12.

Once you have finished your workout it is important to get the proper nutrition that your body needs. Your body is amazing in a lot of ways and is very adaptive. This will help you build muscle fast. After you are done with your workout, the first few hours are the most critical for getting your body the nutrients that they need to help you build muscles fast.

Without the proper nutrition, your muscles will not get bigger. Remember that this is an important step in building muscle mass.

Do you begin to understand how to build muscle fast? You will need to be training with a weight that is heavy enough so you can limit your reps. The sets and repetitions that you do is the key to build muscle fast. However, remember that nutrition for your body is just as important.

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Muscly Jerk

Reuven Barukh invites to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now. http://www.musclyjerk.com



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