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Build Muscle Fast With These Ten Powerful Tips! Part - 1 - Articles SurfingBy the time you finish reading this series of eating tips you will have the basics down to eating to build muscle fast! If You want to build muscle fast you have to eat right to build muscle! So Part One will focus on this crucial yet misunderstood element to build muscle fast. Building muscle fast takes much more than just eating to build muscle though. In following Parts of this course we will cover: Lesson 2: Training To Build Muscle Fast Each one of these jam packed lessons needs to be applied to your muscle growth routine if you truly want to build muscle as fast as you can! By time you are finished reading this mini course you will be well on your way to knowing what it takes to build muscle fast...even build muscle explosively!! Tip-1: Eat Enough Food To Build Muscle Eating enough food to build muscle for us skin flints is not as it seems. In order to build muscle I have seen consistently with my tests on over a thousand skinny males that the usual recommended calorie intake of 12- 14 calories per pound of bodyweight is not enough to build muscle. So if this is not enough to build muscle what is? For skinny guys, A total daily calorie intake of 19 calories per pound bodyweight seems to be the magic number. Of course when you are eating this much it is important to be eating the right foods in the right combinations and times. Tip-2: Eat the Right Types of Food So You Increase Muscle...Not Turn Into a Fat Pig!! Eating to build muscle is not as simple as just eating enough calories. You need to eat the right calories! What are the right calories? I recommend foods that are high in nutritional value to promote building muscle and not fat gain! An example of this would be to eat a steak with green vegetables totaling 600 calories than deep fried chicken nuggets for 800 calories. Another example would be to eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast instead of a bowl of Captain Crunch Cereal. Eat nutritionally dense foods and to get the most out of your meals combine foods together that are compatible for best digestion. Tip-3: Combine The Right Foods Do you want to build muscle without gaining excess fat? Or how about avoid indigestion? (Indigestion is bad for assimilating nutrition out of food for building muscle) or...stop blowing sick farts at work, in class or worst of all when you meet new people in elevators! Then you need to systematically combine your foods at every meal. Combining foods is a science but luckily easy to learn. For now I will give you some examples of good food combinationsand bad food combinations for building muscle: Good Food Combinations for Building Muscle: Protein and fibrous carbs (steak and spinach salad) Protein and fats (Chicken Cordon Bleu) Bad Food Combinations For Building Muscle: Protein and simple carbohydrates (many weight gain powders, most meal replacement bars) Carbohydrates and fats (cheese bread,pizza) Once you are eating good food combinations at each food serving it is important to follow the next step: Tip-4: Eat Consistently On a Schedule Eating consistently on a schedule is crucial to provide quality nutrients for building muscle when your body needs them. A good rule to follow is to eat every two to three hours and never space two meals more than five hours apart. If you are eating the right foods consistently like this then you should always keep your body in an positive muscle building state. But for us hard gainers there are some underground secrets you can follow to really boost muscle growth from a nutritional stand point. The next trick to sustain an explosive growth spurt is to eat the right foods at the right times. Tip-5: Eat The Right Foods At The Right Times By modifying your meals slightly at particular times during your daily routine you can increase lean muscle growth. There are two times when we modify our meals for maximum energy,assimilation to build muscle most effectively, breakfast time and after our workouts. At these two times of day, instead of eating our regular meals, you can build muscle more effectively by eating what I refer to as a power meal... Look for Tips 6 - 10 of Eating To Build Muscle Fast in Part 2..
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