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Build Muscle Naturally - Articles SurfingTo build muscle naturally you must dedicate yourself to living a clean and healthy life. You must constantly be on guard and trust your instincts when it comes to increasing your muscularity. There will be temptations and peer pressures that will make you second-guess your common sense. There are ways to build muscle naturally without the aid of performance enhancing drugs. There are a lot of supplements on the market today that claim to create an anabolic effect on your body. They claim to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. Take heed that most of these supplements are a waste of time and money. You would be better served by adopting a diet and workout plan, which can naturally increase your body's anabolic response. Your body is an amazing machine, which adapts and grows in direct relationship to the stimulus applied. For instance, if you workout using the same sets and reps over a long period of time you will notice that you are not making the same gains you were when you started. Your body has adapted to the workout and has stop responding because it knows what to expect. The trick is to confuse your body so that it can't know what to expect and in return will keep growing to meet the unanticipated demands you are placing on it. When you confuse your body with the right amount of exercises, sets and reps it will start to create an anabolic type of effect in your body because of the uncertainty you created. If it doesn't know that you are going to stop at 8 reps then it will keep a reserve of energy in anticipation of doing more reps. When you continue to do this for several weeks your body will then adapt to this new regimen and stop the growth pattern. That is when you change again and do fewer reps and sets to once again confuse the body and force it to grow in anticipation of another uncertainty. We can also build muscle naturally by implementing some diet changes. Protein is one of the main substances our muscles need to grow larger and stronger. By manipulating your protein intake you can effectively create an anabolic effect in your body. The theory is that you need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. I feel this is not entirely accurate and suffice it to say that it would be a better choice to use 1 gram of protein per pound of lean muscle mass. So an average 200-pound man with a body fat percentage of 20% would need approximately 180 grams of protein per day. This will vary depending on the method you use to calculate your lean body mass. One way to build muscle naturally is to manipulate your intake of protein. The way this is done is to consume an adequate amount of protein based on your lean body mass in conjunction with an adequate workout program for a period of several weeks. Then at a pre-prescribed time you will deprive yourself of this protein and only consume a small quantity, which will be as low as 30 grams per day. On your high protein intake days your body will be utilizing the protein it needs and then the remainder will be eliminated. When you begin a protein deprived state your body will store and use all the protein it gets. When you return again to ingesting larger amounts of protein your body will make sure it stores at much as it can and will rely on the fat stores in your body for energy. Your body will better utilize this protein because it doesn't know when it will be deprived again. Guess where it will be stored? That's right in your muscles. Causing them to grow by the natural anabolic state you created. You can build muscle naturally; you just have to know how.
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