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Building Relationships As Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle - Articles SurfingSocial interactions are a common thing in our society. They are also a very important part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. For some people, building relationships is easy. Others find it hard because they are set in their own ways or because they are shy. There are many opportunities to meet people. If you work you will have co-workers to interact with. Most of us have friends from school and family members we are close with. Joining the gym, a club, or donating your time at a charity are all great ways to meet people. Those of us with children meet many people at school activities and sporting events. It is healthy to have many different types of relationships. We all know some people just by routine such as the mailman and the clerk at the convenient store. We also develop casual acquaintances with large amounts of people. Most of us only have a small circle of very close friends we hold dear to our heart. The secret to having good relationships is sharing yourself with others. It is also about give and take. Treat others as you want them to treat you. Relationships are also about communication and sharing, both the good and the bad times in our lives. It is easy to let our lifestyle affect our relationships. The computer age has made us less social. Do you often send emails rather than calling your friend? Make sure you keep those personal connections alive. If you haven't spent time in a relationship for a while then consider calling to say you are thinking of them. We find out who our true friends are when the chips are down. These are the people who stand beside us no matter what is going on. They offer us support in our times of loss and grief. They motivate us and encourage us. Relationships are very important to our mental health and a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle.
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