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Factors To Consider When Buying A Mobility Scooter - Articles Surfing

Mobility scoters have become a common way for the elderly and others with mobility issues to maintain there lifestyles with better ease. Weather you want to go around the block, get your mail, go to the shopping mall or grocery store, a mobility scooter can be used in a multitude of situations.

Who needs a mobility scooter?

A mobility scooter can be used for a multitude of reasons. Individuals with multiple sclerosis, leg injuries, severe forms of arthritis, general fatigue, mild cerebral palsy, severe stroke, or seniors just plain tired of walking everywhere, has a use for scooters. If an individual has trouble walking everywhere whether because of an injury or fatigue they might want to explore getting a scooter to supplement some of your walking.

Factors when buying a scooter


When buying Mobility scooters how much you weigh is an important factor. Standard power chairs generally have an weight capacity of 250 lbs ' 350 lbs. If you or a love one weighs over this amount, the mobility scooter might be generally uncomfortable or parts of the scooter will break at an accelerated rated due to the stress of the excess weight. If you are close to the weight limit, you should factor in heavy objects which you are going to be carrying on the mobility scooter when it is in operation.

Scooter dimensions.

The size of the scooter is going to be important based on your environment. If you use your scooter indoors where the hallways are narrow and the corners are tight, then a smaller scooter with a small turning radius will be your better choice. You can find those measurements in the specifications section when review the details of any scooter.

Scooter Type

Deciding on how you will use the scooter will tell you what type of mobility scooter that you need.

4 Wheel Scooter

If you feel that you will be using your wheel chair on tougher terrain such as rural areas, farms or grassy areas then a 4 wheel scooter will probably give you the best stability to ride comfortably in those areas.

3 wheel scooter

But if you want to be able to maneuver through tight spaces such as in your home, the mall, or generally places where there will be a lot of people, buying a 3 wheel scooter is your best option.

Transporting the Mobility Scooter

As with any heavy piece of equipment transporting it from point A to point B has to be factored in.

Transportation means

Will you have a car or a truck when transportation the scooter? If you have an large truck than transferring mobility scooters, especially the larger size models will be easier. More space means that the scooter can be easily loaded, transferred and unloaded with ease. But if you have an car and plan to carry your mobility scooter in the trunk of your car then a scooter that disassembles would be a better fit. Many scooters can be disassembled into three pieces, each piece generally weighing 15 ' 34 pounds.


Weight again should be factored, but this time it is for carrying weight. A scooter can weigh between 110 pounds and 190 pounds. So if you plan to transfer a full mobility scooter knowing whether you have someone that can lift a mobility scooter is important. If you choose an model that disassembles than each piece weighing between 15 and 34 pounds will be more manageable.


How you use your mobility scooter affects your seating requirements. If you drive in your scooter as well as sit in it most of the day, then you might want to consider getting a comfortable seat, one that has many layers of foam padding. The adjustability of a seat can be a factor for some, if you are tall or just want easy maneuverability then making sure your mobility scooter has a seat which can be raised or lowered should be considered. If you have severe mobility issues than making sure your mobility chair swivels for easy exit or entry would be important you. But if you only use your mobility scooter occasionally and sit in it rarely then a standard scooter seat will be just fine.

Arm types

If you ride in your scooter a lot and are constantly getting in & out of it then having adjustable arms is big. Imagine having to move around your scooter's arms every time you exit and enter it. That can be a real hassle; luckily most manufacturers make arms that can swivel up or sideways for easy access. Some manufacturers even have chairs that can be adjust wider to accommodated larger individuals.


Every mobility scooters can be customized to fit a particular need of a buyer. Many of these items usually cost extra, just like upgrading to leather seats when you buy a new car.

Pouches and Baskets

A basket is usually a steel or plastic cart which attaches to the back or front of your scooter. A pouch is can be just a carrying bag, or some specially designed bag to hang on your mobility scooter.

Oxygen Tank, Crutch holder

If you have to carry a respiratory tank around or a crutch you can order an holder for both items. The holder attaches to the back of your mobility scooter carrying your respiratory tank or cane in a specially designed holder for each particular item.


If your drive your scooter at night or have vision problems then buying headlights is another option. Headlight allow for the driver to see better at night when driving the scooter as wheel as signaling to bystanders the scooter's location. We have to remember that these are large machines which can hurt people if a collusion occurs; especially when it is dark and vision is further impaired. If you drive your mobility scooter at night often then to be on the safe side get lights.

Left or right handed

If you are left handed than an left handed driving scooter would be preferable if you are right handed then you would chose a right handed driving scooter. Also if you had a stroke or some other aliment which has left you weak on one side of your body than buying a scooter which drives in accordance to the stronger side of your body would be a good fit


Most scooters come in a variety of colors, variations of reds, blues & greens are typical colors.

Remember before you buy a mobility scooter to always make sure that it will fit into you or a loved ones lifestyle by going over all the factors that goes into purchasing & owning a mobility scooter. A mobility scooter that is researched & tailor to fit an individuals needs can make someone's life a lot easier.

Submitted by:

Jake Reid

Jake Reid is an author and mobility specialist with http://www.ionmeds.com/



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