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Fat Loss Food ' What You Eat Decides What You Lose - Articles SurfingYou must be wondering how can there be food that can help you lose fat? After all we have always considered food as something that gives us energy and of course the unused energy gets converted into fats or rather flab. But what are such foods that can help you get an effective and quick fat loss? Well, these are nothing very mysterious or something for which you need to shell out hundreds of $$$. These are all available in the supermarket next door. But before I tell you more about fat loss food, there is something that all of us must accept. Fat loss is something that should be done at a comfortable pace because our body has saved all this amount of excess fat over a period of a few months or maybe even years and to even attempt to lose it all in a matter of a few days can put it in grave danger. We should give our body sufficient time to adjust with our reduced weight so that we don't fall sick to some other illness while trying to lose weight. Now coming back too food that would help you to lose fat. Well, to begin with you must ensure that your daily diet consists of little or absolutely no unsaturated fats. Your daily diet must consist of a lot of high fiber and low fat food. You can also add high protein and low fat foodstuffs to your daily diet. A high fiber content means that while you will always feel full, the amount of fats consumed is minimal and therefore the body will have to use the stored energy (in the form of fat) to keep the various processes like metabolism up and running. Below is a list of food items that aid in fat loss 1. Cabbage These are all those products that are high in proteins, vitamins and minerals but extremely low in their fat content and will definitely help you to lose a lot of weight. Apart from food, weight loss can be achieved only by making sure that you also do a bit of exercise and jogging or running or cycling each day. By reducing on your food intake, the body slowly adjusts and starts burning lesser calories for maintaining all the body processes. This will leave you with a feeling of tiredness all day long. Regular exercise will help to burn maximum amount of calories in the body while you consume very little of them.
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