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Fight Cardiovascular Disease And Boost Immune System With Serrapeptase - Articles SurfingIf you see the letters '-ase' in the name of a chemical such as serrapeptase, it indicates that it is an enzyme. An enzyme is like a biochemical catalyst, that increases the rate of a biochemical reaction, or that even allows it to occur, without it being changed itself. Enzymes are generated mainly in the liver, and are essential chemicals in the biochemistry of life, without with life just simply would not be possible. Serrapeptase is what is known as a proteolytic enzyme, or protease, that breaks down or digests proteins in the body, and it is developed in the intestines of a silkworm (hence serra ' silk). It plays an important part in the metamorphosis of the silkworm as it is needed to break down the cocoon walls. Its major medical use is as an anti-inflammatory and it has been found to have a beneficial effect in reducing inflammation by basically digesting it. Inflammation causes many problems with health including inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's and colitis, inflamed joints and muscle tissue, lung diseases, headaches and migraines, ear nose and throat conditions, to name but a few. These have traditionally been treated with what are known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. The glucococorticoids used in the steroidal treatment of inflammation can have a negative effect on the immune system, and many other side effects including problems with bone development, and emphasis is placed mainly on the non-steroidal treatments. The problem with NSAIDs is that they can cause gastrointestinal problems, including bleeding. Patients suffering bleeding have a 10% chance of fatality, and the drugs can also cause kidney damage, joint problems and many other unwanted side effects. Some doctors take the patient off one drug and onto another NSAID when the side-effects appear. Each of the ten commonly used drugs has similar side effects and it simply a roulette that can end in tragedy. For years researchers have been seeking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that does not produce these side effects, and serrapeptase seems to tick all the right boxes. If there has been a breakthrough in ant-inflammatory medicine, then this is it. It deals with inflammation in a natural way without causing any of the side affects normally associated with NSAIDs, and also digests blood clots, scar tissue (internal and external) and any dead tissues within the body. In many cases, symptoms are alleviated within two weeks. It is now used throughout the world and no side effects have been reported in 30 years. It had been used safely with children, pregnant women and even with pets without the prostaglandin inhibition that is the cause of the gastric problems of NSAIDs. A proteolytic enzyme is an enzyme that takes part in the metabolic processes of the body. In addition to 'regular' proteins, serrapeptase 'digests' excess fibrin that thickens the blood, many bacteria, viruses and fungi. By clearing all of this from the blood and lymphatic systems, and also clearing out mucus and inflammation from the body, it helps the body's own immune system to work better and also effectively reduces its viscosity allowing it to flow better. Apart from that, the immune system uses enzymes to destroy invading proteins and supplementing these with serrapeptase enables this process to occur more efficiently. Protealytic enzymes can tell what proteins should be in the body and what should not be, and remove the latter. That is basically how the immune response works. It is its effect on the immune response system that makes serrapeptase such an effective ant-inflammatory. The inflammation is a response to an irritation, for example to pollen grains in the respiratory system. This triggers the autoimmune system to create a CIC, or Circulating Immune Complex, that moves to the site of the irritation. In destroying the source of the irritation, the CIC also causes inflammation and swelling. This then attracts other CICs and the cycle repeats itself. What the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase does is to digest and remove the debris created by the action of the CIC in destroying the original irritant that is now itself causing irritation and inflammation. Everything is cleared away and the immune system settles down and stabilizes ready for the next invader. It is a failure to clear away all the debris after an invasion has been dealt with that is the cause of much inflammation, and the result of the natural reaction of the body's immune system can cause further damage unless it is given some help. The same basic action of serrapeptase is though to be effective in fighting against cardiovascular disease. The late Dr. Hans Nieper used the enzyme to treat the blockage of arteries in coronary heart disease. It was reported to be considerably more effective in clearing away arterial plaque, then the EDTA chelation method used at that time. Incidences of strokes among his patients diminished, and the enzyme was reported to dissolve away blood clots and repair varicose veins. It is thought that the serrapeptase dissolved away the dead protein that bound the plaque cause the arteries to block. It might appear that serrapeptase thins the blood, but it does not. It simply appears to do so by removing the debris that makes it thicker than it should be. In doing so, it will make regular blood-thinning drugs seem more effective, so you should take care if using blood-thinning drugs such as Heparin or Coumadin since your blood might be over-thinned. While the official line is that more research is needed to prove that this enzyme has a definite curative effect on heart disease in coronary patients, and in reducing the incidence of fatal coronary failure, many people swear by its use. They feel a lot better from using it as a supplement, and have fewer allergies than prior to commencing its use. They also feel generally fitter due to their blood being healthier and more able to carry oxygen and nutrients round their body. Try telling them that the effect of serrapeptase is still not proven. Serrapeptase enzymes are natural and available at your local health food store.
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