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Fight Chronic Migraines With Omega-3 And Herbs - Articles SurfingChronic migraines are a disorder in which a person will experience at least fifteen migraines or more each month. Even though both migraines and headaches generate in the head, they are nothing alike. Even the smallest degree of light and noise can be extremely intolerable. Intense nausea is even common in a migraine. While the migraine begins in the brain, it usually sweeps through its victim's body, causing both physical and emotional torture. Migraines can begin at any age and continue throughout a person's life. Conversely, migraines can end as suddenly as they began without a known reason for their onset or final episode. However, it is often possible to target some of the migraine triggers and prevent or at least minimize their frequency. A physician will often ask a migraine patient to keep a journal of their diet and other routines they perform each day. This helps to target any allergies or lifestyle patterns that may be causing or contributing to the onset of a migraine. Be aware and pay attention to your lifestyle, as it adds possible clues to the reason you are experiencing migraines in the first place. Many of us who have been suffering from acute migraine headaches for years have tried various medicines, with none of which seeming to be very effective. However, there are natural alternatives for treating this immense pain. Although the specific causes of migraines are still unknown, the main contributing factor seems to involve blood flow instability in the brain. When the arteries constrict, a rebound dilation follows, bringing on the migraine. There are other contributing factors including heredity, alcohol consumption, monosodium glutamate (MSG), emotion stress, hormonal changes, birth control pills, fatigue, chocolate, cheese, citrus and cured meats. Migraines are usually treated through drug therapy, but there are often considerable side effects. There are alternative methods for treatment, which include dietary changes such as avoiding chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, shellfish, and alcohol, all of which contain amines that can cause the brain vessels to constrict. Low blood sugar can also be a contributor to migraines. By eating several small meals, blood sugar swings can be inhibited. Avoiding aspartame, which is found in NutraSweet, is also helpful because this particular chemical has been shown to be a migraine inducer in various studies. Additionally, some nutritional supplements are recommended including Ginkgo biloba and feverfew. These two herbs deliver oxygen to the brain cells while serving as powerful antioxidants. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be used to treat the most severe migraines because the brain itself is comprised of these fatty acids. Hormone imbalances can be restored with essential fatty acids like Omega-3. Recent research has determined that magnesium deficiencies are also linked to migraines. By taking a magnesium supplement, you can alleviate this problem. Be sure to take calcium with magnesium supplement for maximum absorption. Additionally, biofeedback is recommended by many experts, in which you learn to relax muscles and control blood vessels. Stress may also be a big trigger, so look for ways to reduce the physical and mental stress linked with migraines.
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