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Finally Revealed: Natural Remedies For Diabetes - Articles SurfingDiabetes is a condition where they body is unable to produce an adequate amount of insulin to burn up the body's intake of sugars and starches, and is becoming increasingly common. When there is a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin, then the body will have an excess amount of blood glucose or blood sugar which can have catastrophic consequences if the problem is not treated. A diabetic may be either insulin deficient or insulin resistant. When a diabetic is insulin deficient their pancreas is not producing enough insulin due to a malfunction of insulin producing cells, therefore resulting in a lack of insulin and an excess of blood sugar. When a diabetic is insulin resistant the pancreas produces plenty of insulin, however, the body does not process the insulin properly and therefore it has the same result with an excess of blood sugar. If untreated, the high glucose levels in the blood will damage blood vessels which will result in long term health problems. - Urinating frequently If you have any of these symptoms and have a family history of diabetes, be sure to consult your doctor. Natural remedies should be taken with your doctor's knowledge so that he can make sure your diabetes is being controlled appropriately. Natural Remedies for Diabetes: 1 - Taking garlic tablets can help with your circulation and regulate your sugar levels 2 - Two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk or if you prefer you can swallow whole. Take every day. 3 - Alma has a high vitamin C content and therefore can be effective in controlling diabetes. Take a tablespoon of its juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice daily for two months. This will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin. 4 - 500mg of L-glutamine and taurine a day will reduce sugar craving and help release insulin. Diabetics these days can monitor their blood sugar levels themselves in their own homes. By keeping regular checks on your blood sugar levels it may be possible to control your diabetes by a controlled and sensible diet. Not all diabetics will be able to use diet on its own to control their diabetes and your doctor will be able to assist you with this. It is important to stick to a strict low calorie, high carbohydrate diet with lots of fibre and little or no sugar. Daily exercise is also very beneficial in controlling your diabetes. Obese people are at a much higher risk of having diabetes. A combination of garlic, watercress and parsley eaten daily can also help to regulate blood sugar levels so this is a good choice to add to your diet. Remember diabetes is a serious condition and although may be able to be controlled by diet and natural remedies, always do so with your doctors knowledge as for some diabetics it may not be enough and you may need to be given insulin to control the disease.
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