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Fish Oil ' Boon Or A Bane? - Articles SurfingFish oil is often recommended as a dietary supplement. This oil is extracted from different kinds of oily fish, namely, the sardines, herring, albacore tuna, lake trout, and salmon. Medical research however proves that intake of one gram of fish oil on daily basis will reduce threat of heart diseases. There is however one problem with fish oil, not everyone is fond of it. Some may just have had enough of it and prefer to forgo the oil. As they say every problem has its solution, and for this the pharmacological companies have come up with different forms of selling fish oil. Few of the many forms are pills, tablets, capsules, syrup and injections. Dating back to the time between October 2001 and august 2004, European researcher Ingeborg Brouwer and his social group has selected a few ICD (theoretically, an ICD is an implanted electronic device that monitors the heart's rhythm. If the heart's electrical rhythm becomes abnormal, the ICD shocks the heart back to a normal rhythm) patients from 26 cardiology clinics in eight European countries namely Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, U.K., Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland. The average age being early 60s. The teams split into two groups, one group was asked to take 2 grams of fish oil per day in the form of pills. There were portions of salmon or mackerel which was given each week. The second group was given group placebo pills, which had no fish oil in it. These participants took the prescribed pills for a year, not realizing that these pills contained fish oil. They gave blood samples every now and then especially before and after the study to track the fish oil consumption. The blood samples were tested to check the presence of Omega - 3 ' fatty acids. Omega ' 3 is fish oil's key type of fat. The researchers also tracked the cause of death, if any. Many are recommended to use the fish oil capsules. Though having fish oil, say a spoonful, may just not be appetizing, yet, it there are several benefits. It is advised to all those who need healthier omega ' 3 fatty acids. Even if a person eats fish on a daily basis, he/she is advised to have fish oil as a diet supplement. The organs of the body are benefited with fish oil. Fish is considered as a brain food, reason being, the brain contains a lot of Omega ' 3 fats and in order to build the brains cells time and again, adequate amounts of Omega ' 3 acids should be consumed. The parts of the body which are benefited by fish oil are, the heart, as it prevents the heart diseases, digestive system, as there many be changes in terms of diet unsatisfactory intake of water which leads to problems like constipation. Laxative is however not recommended in times like this. For desperate measure or even the most needed relief comes from using fish oil. The age old remedy for all ailments used to be a spoon of cod liver oil, but fish oil seems to be tasteless and odorless and is easy to swallow.
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