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Fitness Tips to Help You Stay in Shape - Articles Surfing

There are lots of tips to help you lose weight, but there is only one true way. You need to use more energy than you get by the food and drink that you eat. That is you need to create an energy deficit so that your body has to look to its own stores of energy to make up the difference. By its own stores of energy we usually mean fat.

There are two main ways we can do this; the first way is to eat less. The second way is to burn more energy. Most diet programs take the approach of combining the two, but whatever diet program you want to follow there are a number of tips that can help you.

Drink more water: Everyone needs to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day, which is 64 ounces. Your body is approximately 70% water and you lose a lot of it every day. You lose it in the obvious method (going to the toilet), through sweating, and every time you exhale. There are also less obvious ways your body uses water, for example a lot of fluids need to be made by your body, and of course there's the lubrication in your mouth and eyes.

Your kidneys need plenty of water in order to easily flush out waste, including the by-products of using your fat for energy. You also need plenty of water to enable processes to use your fat. If you drink ice-cold water then there is an added benefit in that your body needs to heat up the water, and so uses energy!

Work out with weights: You don't need to go to an expensive gym; you can buy weights to use at home. You don't need to use them obsessively and become muscle-bound. We have already said that you need to exercise to help lose weight, but if you exercise with weights then you are tackling weight loss on two fronts. Building up your muscles will mean that your body will naturally use more energy every day by increasing your metabolism whether you are exercising or not. Of course during the workouts will also cause you to use more energy actually doing the work out. You will also be gaining in fitness at the same time as you are losing weight.

Read your labels: Many food products today try and lure you into a false sense of security by proclaiming their health benefits. On the front of the packaging there may be a large sticker proclaiming that an item is fat-free, however, if you examine the nutritional information you may easily find that the fat has been swapped for sugar. Another product may proclaim low carb; however, looking at that packaging you'll find that the project has a lot of fat. What all of this means is that you need to read the labels so that you can choose foods that aren't either sugar or fat dense.

Keep a journal: Keeping a written down record of everything you eat, drink and the exercise that do each day can be valuable in a number of ways. The act of keeping a journal knowing that you're going to have to write down everything you eat and drink will help you avoid bad choices. You can also analyze your journal at the end of every week, spot weaknesses, and plan to make improvements. If you are seeing a dietitian then your journal will also be useful for them to look at and make suggestions about.

Don't be too hard on yourself: Everyone has lapses; indeed it may even be an idea to have an easy day once a week. The trick is not to punish yourself of these lapses, as this can often lead to feeling even worse about yourself and ending up binge eating to cheer yourself up!

If you have a bad day then just chalk it up to experience and begin again tomorrow. It took your wild to gain this weight, so it will take your while to lose it again. One bad day is not a disaster, letting one bad day affect the rest of your diet is.

Submitted by:

Daniel Millions

If you are ready to Get in shape check out our Fitness for Life health program.



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