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Fitness Workouts You Can Stick To - Articles SurfingFitness is a commonly new buzz word all over the country, in media and in conversation. Everyone wants to talk about getting into fitness. Unfortunately, not many people follow through on the talk and actually step into action. There are many contributing factors to people procrastinating fitness workouts. The most common reasons are: they are too busy; the fitness workouts are too hard; or they just do not have the will power to stick to a fitness program. For all of these people, there is yet hope. If you think that you are too busy to commit to a fitness workout, try walking. You can get one of those step counters that attaches to your ankle fairly cheaply. Try to see how many steps you take in one day. Then, try to double it. If you can, walk the two blocks to the convenience store rather than hopping in the car to drive. There are many ways that you can fit walking into a busy schedule as a fitness program. You can also try breaking up your fitness workout into manageable sections. Create a fitness program that gives you thirty minutes of fitness in three ten minute sessions throughout your busy day. Use five minutes for warm up and cool down, and five minutes of hard cardio activity. This is another great way to squeeze a fitness program into your busy schedule. Finally, if you are really busy during the day but have time at night, check around your community for a twenty four hour fitness center. There are many gyms and fitness centers available these days that are open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, excepting holidays. These fitness centers are great for the person who is too busy during the day to go to the gym. If you think that fitness workouts are too hard you are looking at the wrong fitness workouts. Your fitness program should suit your fitness level. If you have not exercised much in several months (or even years) as is the case with most people starting a fitness program, you will want to start out with a lower level cardio workout. If you are not sure what constitutes a lower level fitness workout, ask a professional trainer or your personal physician for guidance. Will power is quite another issue. There is no sure-fire way to promote will power for everyone. However, one method seems to work for most women, and some men. Go through some magazines, newspapers, and catalogs to find pictures of people that look the way that you look. Cut them out and tape them on your fridge, your full length mirror, and over your scales. This will, hopefully, promote will power and help you stick to a fitness program.
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