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Five Skin Care Tips for the Summer - Articles Surfing

Each summer, millions of people spend time out in the sun without taking steps to protect their skin. Your skin is more delicate and susceptible to damage than you may realize. Some damage is visible, manifesting on the surface. Other damage occurs in the deep layers of your dermis. Fortunately, there's plenty that you can do to preserve your skin's health while enjoying the summer weather. Below, we'll provide you with 5 skin care tips that you can start using today.

Tip #1: Use A Potent Sunscreen

Sunscreens aren't as simple as you may think. While every brand of sunscreen comes with an SPF on the packaging, most people don't realize what the number implies. In truth, the SPF is only a measure of protection from UVB rays (which cause sunburns). UVA rays are the cause of premature aging in the skin, wrinkles and long-term cellular damage in the dermis. Don't be fooled by the packaging. Use a sunscreen that can provide protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Tip #2: Exfoliate

Your skin is constantly shedding dead cells. If those dead cells simply dropped to the ground, they wouldn't present a problem. However, those skin cells often begin clogging your pores. Not only can this cause your skin to have a dull appearance, it can also trap the sebum that normally secretes from your pores. If the sebum is trapped inside your pores, you might develop blackheads and other skin conditions. Exfoliate a few times each week to prevent the dead skin cells from creating a problem.

Tip #3: Avoid Cigarette Smoke

When you smoke, your skin ages more quickly. This is due to the depletion of oxygen and reduced blood circulation to your skin. When blood circulation slows, it can't effectively deliver vitamin A and other nutrients that your skin requires to look supple. Eventually, habitual smoking will lead to increased formation of wrinkles as the collagen fibers begin to deteriorate. Preserve your skin by not smoking. If possible, avoid cigarette smoke from other smokers, too.

Tip #4: Moisturize Your Skin

Your skin loses moisture throughout the day. When you spend time exposed to the sun, this loss of moisture accelerates. Use a moisturizer that helps your skin retain water. That will prevent excessive dryness. Keep in mind that moisturizers should be chosen based upon your skin type. If you have normally dry skin, choose a moisturizer that is oil-based. If your skin is oily by nature, a light moisturizer is more appropriate.

Tip #5: Shave Properly

Shaving is usually an inconvenience (especially when you're in a hurry). But, if you speed through it, you may cause damage to your skin. Make sure your skin is lubricated with a shaving cream or gel. If you shave while your skin is dry, you might cause an irritation. Also, shave in the same direction of your hair's growth. And use a sharp razor. A dull blade can scrape, cut, or otherwise damage your skin.

Caring For Your Skin During The Summer

Proper skin care involves diligence. Applying sunscreen every day and exfoliating a few times each week may be inconvenient, but it will ensure that your skin remains healthy. By avoiding cigarette smoke, using a moisturizer and shaving properly, you can help your skin maintain its youthful appearance. Your skin is your body's largest organ. The older we get, the more care it needs. Take the time and make the effort to preserve its health and vitality.

Submitted by:

Ryan J Bell

Bieux Skin is a leading innovator in natural skincare products, check out our website for more great skincare ideas.



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