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Flu? It May Be Carbon Monoxide In Your Home, Cabin Or Chalet Heating System - Articles Surfing

Tossing and turning all night? 'Counting Sheep'. Or not counting sheep but trying a myriad of other folk and family remedies to get back to sleep and conquer insomnia. Got a lot on your mind? Most of us experience occasional difficulties sleeping, but unfortunately many people suffer from sleep problems that are chronic and / or severe. It has been said that 'insomnia' is the inability to enjoy uninterrupted sleep, to fall asleep so that the person feels exhausted the next day (or days) and as a result not only feels exhausted but has trouble functioning normally.

Sleep is very important as we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Sleep is not time wasted. On the contrary sleep is most important for our bodies and our general overall health. It may surprise you that instead of many of our most important and vital organs are not sound asleep when we sleep but rather these body organs as well as important bodily functions remain most active when you are asleep.

Without enough sleep, it is very hard for a person to remain alert. Proper logical thinking becomes impaired. Driving your car, auto or vehicle can become downright dangerous. Current research has begun to show that even adequate long term memory requires adequate sleep. It is no surprise to many that chronic insomnia often leads to increased risks of depression ' especially during the dark winter months.

The question is often asked ' 'How much sleep do we need'. The simple answer is 'how much do you find that you need to feel alert, awake and refreshed during the day, and as well how much sleep do you generally need for clear thinking?' . Throughout history it has always been observed that this is an individual matter. Furthermore your requirements of proper sleep amount may change from time to time, and change as you age and mature.

Generally it is held that that as people age, they generally need less sleep. Most people who are told, or believe that they have insomnia, in fact are receiving the proper amount of sleep that they require. Perhaps they are taking more sleep time than they actually need, at a given point in their lives. You can see the foolishness of these people taking 'sleeping pills'. It is sort of like the old joke of the nurse in the hospital who thinks she is helping a patient by dutifully waking them up, late at night, in order for them to properly take their 'sleeping pill'.

The question is often asked 'What causes insomnia?' It can be said that common factors associated with insomnia are stress, mood disorders such as anxiety, physical health problems, activity or limitations by pain and suffering, smoking tobacco. It has been shown that certain medications can also cause, or make worse, the incidence, prevalence and problems of apparent insomnia.

Insomniacs are more likely to be female than male, single or widowed, have low income or be unemployed. It's no secret that those who seem to have great anxieties, O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and tend to focus on their worries and problems seem to have a great amount of difficulties with insomnia and insomnia like conditions and complaints.

In the end worry can be said to be 'Mental Punishment' and 'What goes around comes around'. Worry itself about insomnia and not having enough sleep time, can by itself create insomnia and make it much worse. What a vicious circle. These very people with an overactive mind worry that they have insomnia and are not having enough quality sleep time. Poor mood, mood disturbances as well as lack and energy and even depression are a direct result of not enough sleep. These people may even spend great amount of time and effort trying to sleep to overcome their insomnia. Over time, even if they do get that extra sleep they will never feel refreshed and even more tired. Talk about pouring gasoline onto a fire.

In the end the proper amount of sleep you need is the proper and adequate amount of sleep that You need.

Submitted by:

Margaret S. Mathews

A Restful Night's Sleep Morgellon's Disease Patient Photos Cosmetic Surgery Medical Tourism



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