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Food Intolerance Testing Controversy - Articles SurfingFood intolerance has probably existed for generations but the last two decades have seen its profile rise significantly. This could be for a number of reasons. First, over the last twenty years we have been eating progressively less healthily. As our lives become more busy, many of us lack the time to cook a proper meal at the end of the day. Instead we rely increasingly on convenience and fast food to make our lives easier. This means that we are exposed to more chemicals in the food that we eat and less of the important vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Another key reason for the increasing incidence of food intolerance is the growing awareness of it. Twenty years or so ago, if you suffered from continuous headaches for instance, you might assume that they were simply something you were prone to. Nowadays however we are more aware of the impact of our diet on the way that we feel. Therefore if you find you suffer a lot from headaches today, you might well ask yourself whether you might have a food intolerance. Despite the fact that more and more people are aware of food intolerance as an issue, some people question whether it actually exists. Then there's the question about the various testing methods and whether one is better than another. Food intolerance testing methods include measuring energy levels, muscle testing and blood screening. My own view as a practitioner is that food intolerances certainly do exist and that by identifying problem foods with a clinically proven test, symptoms do improve. Clients are also encouraged to take care of their general health and drink plenty of water. For the person who regains their health as a result of changing the foods they eat, what the experts say really of no consequence!
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