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Four Types Of Skin Care Products That Are Necessary For Your Face - Articles Surfing

Have you ever stood in front of those shelves in a department store or medical shop and seen all those shelves full of skin care products? And have you ever wondered why, for your face alone, there are so many types of products? In general you can put facial skin care products in four major segments, there are many more sub segments within these, but lets take a look at the main four. These segments are cleanser, toner, scrubber and moisturizer. Lets talk about why these skin care products are necessary and important for your skin.

1. The Cleanser segment

No matter what you, stay inside all day long or not your skin will get polluted. Your facial skin will get covered with a thin layer of dirt. With a cleanser, which is really the most essential of the four, you can keep your skin clean from dirt. Most people will put it directly on the skin and then softly washing the skin using a wet cotton, a few people, however, like to put first put in on the cotton and then cleanse by applying it on the skin in a circular motion. Afterwords clean the face by washing it water and then dry by patting it.

2. The Scrubber segment

We all have them and we need to get rid of them, dead cells, and when that time comes that you need to remove them from your facial area the scrubber comes in handy. A scrubber is used for that really deep pore cleansing that's why you should apply it after you used the cleanser. If you skip the scrubber you should not use any of the other facial skin care products because there would be no benefit. What good would a moisturizer do when your skin still has dead cells on the surface.

3. The Toner segment

Toner is an essential skin product because it helps to strengthen the texture of the skin. A toner product helps with the active rejuvenating of the skin and its condition by keeping the right balance of the sebum secretion in the skin. It, a toner, also minimizes the pore size on the skin area of the face. Another function of the tone is to enhance the health of your skin. But be very careful when you buy a toner product because there are lesser formulated toner products out there that could be irritating to the skin.

4. The Moisturizer segment

We all know the benefits of a good moisturizer but as stated before don't even bother applying one before you have applied a good scrubber. There are a lot of people out there that think that when you have an oily skin your face doesn't need to be moisturized. This is not true, in fact a lot well known skin care product producers have moisturizers for multi-skin types. The least a good moisturizer should offer is SPF protection. If the label states otherwise you should never use this product before you go to sleep. One of the top brands is of course Creme de la Mer but you should be ready to part with something as much as a months salary if you want to buy this product.

Submitted by:

Julia Schwartz

You should care for your skin. It's the largest organ of a human being so don't neglect it. Julia Schwartz shows at her Skin Care Site what you can do to keep your skin in a good condition. Here she shows how to do facial skin care treatment properly.



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