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Fragrance Perfume Cabinet - Articles SurfingPotpourri (Bu-nga) Potpourri is a perfumery made of scented fresh or dry flowers, mixed with eau de per fume or the Nam-ob Thai, and put into small fine bags. Traditionally, the Thais in the central part would make a potpourri as an accessory for some ceremonies, or as a souvenir in blessing occasions such as house warming and wedding. No potpourri is made for religious ceremonies such as monk-hood celebration or funerals. The Thai knew potpourri from the Java, which called it 'Bu-nga rum pai'. Prince Damrong Rachanuparp an Prince Narisaranuwatiwongse described the origin of Bu ' nga pai in the Sarn Somdej book, that 'Bu-nga' means flowers, while 'rum pai' means 'rum' or deep vapouring. Thais might have known potpourri since the latter period of Ayutthaya era because it was a time when a lot of Malayan people settled in the country. Thai potpourri could be found in three categories: fresh, dry and Chan Hom (Fragrant Chan). Cloth bags that are made to fill potpourri need to be fine and thin in order to avoid leakage of flowers. Fragrant flora in Thai perfumeries are as the followings: Kularb Mon Kradung Nga Thai Kannikar Kajorn Chan Krapor Chan Ted Champa Chalood Chammanard Mali Kaew Thai 'style Sachets
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