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Full Body Massage As A Way Of Maintaining A Healthy Body - Articles SurfingA full body massage is carried out using the hands to manipulate the soft tissue on a person's body in order to reduce muscle tension and relieve pain. This kind of massage not only helps open up the pores on a person's skin but speeds up the circulation of blood around the body. Today a full body massage is often used in physiotherapy and begins with the physiotherapist massaging the upper and lower limbs before moving onto the chest, abdomen, back and hips and finishes off with them massaging the face and head. You will find that most massage strokes used are directed towards a person's heart and certainly in the Western forms of massage that are now available they aim to release any muscular tension or joint stiffness felt by the person being treated as well as increasing the circulation of blood around the body and improving a person's lymphatic system. However, where Oriental Massage Therapy is concerned this is supposed to release any blocks and improve the flow of vital energy (through a person's energy channels) around the body. Any one who has a full body massage will find themselves lying down on a massage table naked (although towels or sheets will be draped over them to keep them warm). As massaging of a person's body produces heat, many therapists recommend that a client has a hot bath or shower about half an hour after a massage session. It is also advisable that people have a head bath (using luke warm water) after a massage session as well. There are many varieties of body massage available from Breema Bodywork, to Hot Stone Massage (which we will discuss in another article), to Swedish Massage and on to Thai Massage. Breema Bodywork is a form of massage which is usually performed with the person lying on the floor fully clothed and consists of rhythmical and gentle leans and stretches for deep relaxation. This kind of massage not only increases a person's vitality but also helps to stimulate the self healing process in a person's body. As you will soon discover most full body massage techniques help to improve the overall well being of a person but unfortunately there has been little research carried out which can agree the efficient of this type of therapy. But many people are now turning to massage therapists in order to treat many common ailments such as stress, pain, digestive disorders, headaches and insomnia by using massage therapy.
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