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Fundamental Yoga Positions & Postures - Articles SurfingJanu sirsasana: the correct placement of the foot With the legs stretched uniformly in front, sit up straight. Place the foot so the heel is in the right groin and the front of the foot touches the left thigh, whilst bending the right leg at the knee. Press the knee back and form an obtuse angle with the body, turning the foot so that its bottom is on the upward side. Don't coerce yourself as initially this position will be difficult. Beneath the hips and the knees put a folded blanket. The knee will gradually move back further. The correct position of the foot should be maintained. Janu sirsasana: correct and perfect posture The foot and the knee being positioned properly keep the leg firmly on the mat extending the left leg out. Extend the toe up by settling the heel steadily. (Pull the heel gently, from the ankle further). Catching the foot with hands, inhale and bend forward over the straight leg. Initial starters should bend without rounding the back only up to the limit they can. The body would then roll forward over the extended leg, completely flattened from tail bone to the head, after this posture has been done properly. Remain there as long as you can breathe normally. Thereafter breathe in, release the handhold. Coming up smoothly straighten the bent leg and relax thereafter. The other side is then repeated Janu sirsasana: wrong posture Against own thigh the heel is unpositioned. An obtuse angle has not been formed as the knee has not been pushed to its limit. The pelvis is jammed and unable to lift properly as a result the back remains humped and curved. The lumber is stretched too far and the spine constricted instead of a smooth complete stretching of the spine. On the floor the left leg neither is positioned flat. Triang mukhaipada paschimottanasana - sitting forward bending posture on one leg The previous posture generally comes before this one. With your legs extended in front, sit up. Further with the right foot close to the right hip, bend the right leg. Point back the toes. Against the right thigh the right calf is pressed. In order to keep the hips balanced and the forward stretch even and stretched, put a little towel beneath the left buttock, as the body will bend in this posture. Taking hold of the foot of the extended leg is strenuous for most students at this stage. There is no need to be disheartened. Which ever position represents your best extension, hold your knee, shin and ankle, by sitting and breathing deeply. This will take time if your spine is not pliable enough and your back is tight. Straighten the bent leg and release the hold and repeat on the other side thereafter.
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