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Getting A Handle On Antioxidants (A Color Guide For Selecting Foods By Specific Antioxidant Groups) - Articles SurfingMeet the 'New-trients' Laboratory and preliminary human clinical studies are revealing anti-disease properties of these 'nutrients.' Extensive food and medical research underway presently will eventually translate the chemical properties into consumer understanding and terminology that we'll grasp and use in everyday conversation. With such potential significance to public health, the consumer education process should begin now in a way that people, from teenagers to grandparents, can readily understand antioxidants as easily as we now understand calories, carbohydrates, fat percentage, and vitamin C. The scientific and regulatory bodies for food labeling have a great challenge ahead of them. Why Antioxidants? The beneficial antioxidant chemicals that we get from colorful plant foods represent our best defense against threatening oxidants. While oxidative stress is a normal part of cellular metabolism that occurs even in healthy people, left unchecked, it can lead to damage that accumulates with age. Normally, oxidative species or 'free radicals' are neutralized by antioxidant enzymes and food-derived antioxidants. However, the following circumstances can cause an imbalanced oxidant-antioxidant relationship that allows oxidative stress to go unopposed.
Over the past five years, we have begun a valuable process for recognizing plant food antioxidant qualities by groupings of color'The Color Code, as written in two books entitled The Color Code and What Color is Your Diet? (publication information below). The following is a summary of those color guides for antioxidants, and an example of how we can begin to classify and categorize the different antioxidants into the food color code. Summary of the Color Code This is a general scheme of example foods that can fit into each color class. Keep in mind that there are no firm lines between the classes, which allows for overlap. 1. Red ' tomato, pink grapefruit, watermelon How to Apply the Color Code 1.Enzymes (Brown/Gray) 2.Vitamins (Brown/Gray) 3.Phenolics (BRPB) 4.Carotenoids (Orange/Yellow, Red) 5.Hormones (Brown/Gray) 6.Minerals (All colors) 7.Glutathione (Brown/Gray) 8.Lipid effectors (Orange/Yellow) 9.Saponins, steroids and stilbenes (Green, BRPB) 10.Sulfur-containing chemicals (Green, White) Proposing an Antioxidant Nomenclature Just as vitamins have been given a nominal identity (Vitamin A, B, C'etc) so too should we refer to antioxidants. This is a new system not yet formally proposed to any regulatory authority or scientific body. Classification of antioxidants must undergo the scrutiny, revision and adoption by scientists, industry and government to be acceptable for food label use in the public. Here is the proposed breakdown: 1. Antioxidant C ' carotenoids Over time, the public must feel these proposed antioxidant classes are informative and practical for understanding antioxidants and choosing preferred foods. Time will tell, but this list gives us a simple working structure to get a handle on naming antioxidants. Reading
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