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Getting Started With Detox Diets? - Articles SurfingMany people have heard of detox diets and have wondered how beneficial they would be. However very few people even know where to begin making a start, when first starting out on a detox diet you should be prepared to feel a little faint or tired. This should not alarm you and is only natural and will do you no harm. A detox diet is basically a way of cleansing your system and getting rid of all the impurities that build up. However unlike the majority of diets that are stuck with for the long term detox diets should not be followed for a long period of time. The recommended period is no longer than three days maximum and it is essential that you follow this to the letter. The detox diet is not so much about losing weight but rather making you feel better and is perfect for after the holiday period when you will probably have eaten too much. When beginning the detox diet there are 5 basic rules which you have to follow if the diet is to be a success. The first rule is to get as much rest as you possibly can before starting to detox. The diet will make you tired and therefore it is imperative that you get as much sleep and rest beforehand that you possibly can. You should be in the best frame of mind possible when starting the diet to get the most out of it so relaxation is essential. You can do some light exercise such as yoga, mediate or just listen to your favourite music while taking a warm bath. The second rule and one of the most important is the amount of fluid you take it, you should take in as much as possible. This can be in the form of water, fruit juice, clear soup or iced tea with added lemon juice. The fluids are going to flush your system in particular the bowels, liver and kidneys. A fruit cocktail can be made by taking fruits such as apples, peaches, plums, mangoes, pineapple and seedless grapes. Put all the fruits in a blender and blend along with a teaspoon of honey or two and drink straight away, never make more than you can drink and be tempted to store it. Rule three if you cannot stick with the detox diet without eating solid food then stick with fresh fruit and vegetables. You could also have a little high bran cereal, brown rice or whole-wheat crackers if you must as these will help with the cleansing process rather than go against it. Finally rule five of detox diets is to remember not to carry on with this diet for longer than three days. You should also seek the advice of a Doctor if you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition. Those suffering from diabetes or problems with their kidneys should steer clear of this diet and everyone undertaking the diet needs to get plenty of rest.
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