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How To Recognize The Many Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders - Articles SurfingThat feeling in the pit of your stomach of impending doom. We've all felt that way before, but for some people, it's an everyday occurrence. At its best, it can be disruptive to a person's everyday life. At its worst, it's crippling to those who suffer this affliction. These people have anxiety disorder. It's characterized by a constant feeling of worry which has little or no basis in reality. There are usually other symptoms present, such as sleep disorders, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. There are several types of anxiety disorders. Anxiety attacks are one category of anxiety disorder. Anxiety attacks are characterized by a sudden onset of terror, which results in an increased heart rate, a tightening of the chest, and a feeling of losing control. Untreated, it can result in agoraphobia (fear of public places or open spaces.) Panic disorder can also be accompanied by depression. However, treatments such as therapy and medication can cure most anxiety disorders. Another kind of anxiety disorder is obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. OCD is illustrated by obsessive thoughts and rituals which are used to control the anxiety that accompanies such thoughts. The rituals can be anything from washing one's hands over and over again to locking and unlocking a door repeatedly. OCD sufferers may also be fixated on order and symmetry. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is another example of anxiety disorder. People who suffer from PTSD often startle easily, are irritable and become emotionally numb. It is often brought on by a traumatic event, such as a rape or a mugging. Veterans have been diagnosed with it after serving in war zones. PTSD symptoms can intensify during the anniversary of the traumatic event. Medications and therapy are often successful in the treatment of PTSD. Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is also a type of anxiety disorder. Persons with social anxiety disorder often feel extremely self-conscious and anxious in social situations. If they are asked to appear at a public function, they often will obsess about it for weeks ahead of time. This fear can manifest itself in many ways, including avoidance of work, friends, and family. Persons with social anxiety disorder often recognize that their reactions are excessive; however, they are still unable to control them. Physical symptoms can include sweating, shaking, blushing, and nausea. Social anxiety disorder is often treated with therapy and medications with great success. Finally, phobias related to a specific activity, event, or object are also a class of anxiety disorders. Phobias are intense fears or terror of something that really isn't that dangerous, if at all. It manifests itself in different ways in different people. For example, some have a fear of spiders while others have a fear of enclosed places. Also, some people have a fear of driving on a highway and some are afraid of heights. These phobias often bring on anxiety attacks. Left untreated, they can significantly interfere in the sufferer's everyday life. Therapy is often successful of the treatment in this particular anxiety disorder.
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