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How To Reduce Stress Through Relaxation - Articles SurfingStress is part of everybody's life. In that case everybody is prone to possible high blood pressure and other excessive stress related conditions. We must then learn some methods by which stress can be reduced. Emotional stress and tension could be eased via relaxation. You may need a combination of stress reduction method to reduce stress in you life. Stress reduction method is unique to individuals. There are various methods of reducing stress. You may need to combine massages, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation. This does not imply complete wipe out of stress in your life, but a combination of these can reduce stress to a harmless level. Taking a deep breath. Simply taking a deep breath is also a working stress reduction technique. You can be stress free for the whole day if you practice deep breathing. Just take a deep breath after every mind bugging event or activity and you will feel relief of tension and your body will relax. This could keep you stress free and calm through out the day. You may even begin to find the deep breath technique useful even when you are not actually stressed. You can take a deep breath slowly, inhaling. Make sure you inhale deeply, then hold your breath; then exhale slowly with your month tightly shut. Do this up to ten times and make it habitual on a daily basis. Muscle relaxation. You can also reduce stress through muscle relaxation method. It is not a hard task. Stress">All you need do is to keep practicing and it will become part of you. First, you lie down comfortably without having to cross your legs nor you arms. Try focusing your thought on all the parts of your body, and while breathing slowly and deeply, intensify each of your body muscles tightly. Starting from the top of your head and through to other parts of the body. While tensing your muscles, count up to ten before letting go and feel the muscle relax. Do these exercises as often as possible and you will sure feel quite relaxed and your sleep and life-style will be better off.
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