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How To Start Chinese Medicine Candida Treatments - Articles SurfingCandida yeast can grow out of control for many reasons. One of these reasons is B12 deficiency, but more commonly, this happens when the immune system is not working as well as it should. This yeast can live within the body without causing any problems for a very long time, but when it multiplies unchecked it can lead to fungal infections, vaginal yeast infections, and thrush. It can also produce infections in the sinuses and in the respiratory system. There are some effective Chinese medicine Candida treatments that might help keep infections and yeast at bay. Someone who suspects a Candida problem can visit a Chinese medical establishment for help. The practitioner will closely evaluate the signs and symptoms associated with that person's particular case. They will look for many different signs and symptoms associated with the patients particular complaint. This can be any of the conditions that Candida yeast can be responsible for. Many of the problems they may find might be labeled as dampness, Qi blockages, damp-heat, and immune deficiency. Along with the symptoms, a practitioner will want a complete rundown of medical history and also will ask about lifestyle. The body as a whole must be treated, and there are many conditions and other things that can contribute to Candida problems. Some medical conditions that might contribute to this are AIDS and cancer, and it might also be a problem with some who have diabetes. Medications like antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and birth control pills can cause issues. Another thing that contributes to Candida yeast production is a diet that is high in sugars and yeasts. Alcohol is also a big culprit. Because Candida is considered to be a problem with too much 'damp' in the system by TCM practitioners, it is often counteracted with 'fire.' This is done by a variety of herbs that are meant to counteract the effects of damp. Along with this, a change in diet might be called for. When a diet is high in sugars, the yeast has encouragement to grow. When it comes to medications for diseases, the diet changes might not help. Acupuncture might be used to trigger certain points in the body to promote a stronger immune system. A weak immune system is often a cause related with many common medical problems, and when this is stimulated the patient might find relief for more than just the problems they are having with Candida. When seeking Chinese medicine Candida treatments, it is important to be honest when giving an account of medical history and lifestyle. There are things that might affect treatment. Don't be embarrassed to be honest, as your honesty is key to your treatment. Though not all Candida overgrowth will be easily treated, listening and following all treatment directions is the best way to go. It is never a good idea to attempt to take Chinese medicine Candida treatments without the proper guidance of a professional. Though they should be harmless for the most part, they can interact with prescriptions or other things that you might be taking, and some can interfere with the effectiveness of the birth control pill.
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