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How To Stay Healthy With A Regular Vitamin Supplement Routine - Articles Surfing

Staying healthy is difficult these days. Fast food establishments make it quick and easy to grab a bite to eat, while healthier alternatives are harder to find and are usually more expensive. Contributors to an unhealthy immune system are all around, but what many don't realize is that even with these obstacles standing in the way, adding a doctor, some discount vitamins and a generally healthy food intake can keep one healthy and living at their full potential, without spending a lot of money. No matter the age, beginning and continuing a healthy lifestyle is vital. The immune system can be depleted through a variety of ways:

* Stress ' According to the American Institute of Stress, more than 50% of adults suffer adverse health effects that are caused by stress and it is estimated that 90% of the illness and disease we face is stress-related. Stress is linked to health issues such as memory loss, suicide, heart disease, cancer and obesity.

* Unhealthy eating habits ' It is estimated that over 3 million people in the United States are considered morbidly Obese. The types of food that are consumed and the frequency that they are eaten affect the body. Foods high in saturated fats and drinks full of caffeine can have a harmful, lasting effect on the body. While eating some of those foods such as a hamburger or drinking an energy drink may be acceptable in moderation, it is important to balance the body with foods and supplements that are good for it.

* Improper care of illness or disorders ' Staying healthy includes the body as well as the mind. It is important to care of the body in the event of an illness or a disease. Not taking the doctor prescribed medications or following the advice of a doctor can worsen an immune system and cause lasting side effects. This is especially important with conditions such as depression, for example. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression on its own can quadruple the risk of a heart attack. These frightening statistics make one take a second look at the care given to the body.

So with all of this in mind, where is it best to start? The first step is to talk to the doctor. They can help decide what types of discount vitamins are best for the body and what varieties of activities that can be done to stay healthy. The doctor and/or pharmacist can also verify that no drug interactions will occur with any existing medications that may be taken. It is important to find and stay on a routine with vitamins, so after being cleared with the doctor, many start off by taking a multivitamin. There are several types of popular vitamins used today that can be highly beneficial to anyone who takes the time to understand them and use them properly.

* Multivitamins are commonly made up of over 27 vitamins and minerals (Vitamin C, B1, B12, B2, B6, B3, B5, H (biotin), A, E, betacarotene, magnesium, zinc oxide, folic acid, iron, etc.), which act as a supplement to correct any dietary imbalances in the body, commonly caused by poor eating habits or stress. In addition, there are literally thousands of other vitamins, discount vitamins, herbs and minerals that can be found to help the body.

* Folic acid, another commonly known supplement is known for preventing anemia during pregnancy for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Recent developments have also led researchers to believe that folic acid is good for the heart as well. Folic acid has shown to reduce the risk of those suffering from the condition homocystinuria (a genetic mutation that increases the risk of a heart attack).

* Vitamin C ' Vitamin C is another very well-known and commonly used supplement. It is known for prevention and/or treatment of several illnesses and diseases such as the common Cold, Polio, heart disease, cancer, cataracts and autism. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons are known to contain vitamin C.

* Organic vitamins and supplements - Most consumers are not aware of the 2 types of vitamins that can be found known as organic and synthetic. Organic vitamins have become increasingly popular over the last few years, providing a healthy alternative from products, free of potentially harmful chemicals or fertilizers. These come directly from an organic plant source, thus organic. Synthetic vitamins are collections of chemicals that ultimately provide no healthy benefit, only produce a drug reaction within the body.

Many online companies offer additional information such as health and wellness articles, and blogs in order to help consumers decide what vitamins are best for them as well as news articles for continued education. Most vitamins can be purchased either through a vitamin specialty store, drug store or a discount vitamin company. Discount vitamins are no different than vitamins purchased through other retailers, except for the prices are less expensive. The online discount vitamin companies can offer over 15,000 types of vitamins, minerals and supplements, something that land based stores do not have enough room for.

Creating a healthy balance of diet, exercise and vitamins is a responsible choice for anyone no matter their age. Whether it is vitamins purchased through a retailer or discount vitamins purchased online, speaking to a doctor and researching the vitamins that are best for the body and lifestyle, will help anyone live to their fullest potential.

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Freelance Writer

By a freelance writer for VitaNet ' Health foods, http://vitanetonline.com/ , who sells quality vitamins and herbs with a wide selection of Discount Vitamins that are in stock and ready to ship. Please link to this site when using article.



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