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How To Stop Bad Breath In 4 Refreshing Steps - Articles Surfing

OK, no more excuses. Here's how to stop making everyone laugh behind your back after getting a whiff of your noxious breath.

Do you secretly fear that your breath is making people gag? Well you can stop the paranoia right now. Here's how'

Step 1: Scrape your tongue

The first source of a rotten mouth is a tongue smothered in festering bacteria. If your tongue is fuzzy white, you can bet that that layer of filth is making your breath hideous. Scrap off that white coating with a soft toothbrush or a special tongue scraper - you can get one from any drugstore.

Step 2: Gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide twice a day

After you scrap off those bacteria, you can mix one part water with one part hydrogen peroxide and gargle with it for 45 seconds. The hydrogen peroxide gets real foamy in your mouth, but it helps to kill the excess bacteria that make your breath stink.

Don't overdo the hydrogen peroxide though. Give yourself 2-5 day breaks from the hydrogen peroxide because too much of this solution in your mouth can decompose the enamel on your teeth.

Step 3: Eat foods that make your breath smell better

There's a ton of food you can eat to make your breath smell better. And the fact is, you usually smell like what you're eating. Drink teas like peppermint, Moroccan mint, jasmine, hibiscus and lemon balm to freshen up your mouth. Don't add sugar because you'll totally ruin the cooling effect if you do.

Add fresh foods like ginger, parsley, cilantro and scallions to your meals. Make sure these foods are not cooked. Eating them raw helps restore the natural balance of colon bacteria, which ultimately leads to fresher breath.

Step 4: Empty your colon

OK, imagine this: your colon is directly tied to your mouth. If your colon is a filthy overcrowded cesspool, your breath will stink on an astronomical scale. That's why stinky smells either go out the anus, seep through the skin, or puff out of the mouth. Which way do you prefer?

Eating bran will help you cleanse your colon. You can also try an herbal laxative. Whatever you do, do not take drugs to get regular bowel movements unless your doctor tells you to. That's because most constipation drugs make your colon weaker and less efficient at pushing out the garbage and that's the last thing you need.

Another thing, always make sure that your stinky breath is not the result of some fungi invasion. Here's a simple fungus test that you can use at home: First thing in the morning, spit into a glass of water. Don't drink this. Let the water set for a day. If at the end of the day, you see stringy white substances in the glass, you could have a fungal infection.

Now, stop making people dizzy and start making them smile with your newfound methods for fearlessly fresh breath.

Submitted by:

Naweko San-Joyz

Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include Acne Messages: Crack the Code of Your Zits and Say Goodbye to Acne (ISBN: 0974912204) and Skinny Fat Chicks, Why We're Still Not Getting This Dieting Thing (ISBN: 0974912212). Naweko created the Noixia philosophy to help people enhance their lives by connecting with their inner-mysteries and inner-selves. Her works take often over-looked, yet viable research and transforms in into practical tools that people can use to improve their health. Get useful, but too often ignored women's health news by visiting http://www.Noixia.com, Where Beauty Means Health.



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