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How To Stop Being Lazy, Fat, And Out Of Shape... - Articles SurfingLazy. That's the 'word' for this generation'''. Everyone's lazy. Our kids are lazy, we're lazy, we sit too much, we watch too much TV, we lay on the couch and eat bon-bons (lol)''is it true? Maybe. Is there a massive problem with obesity, diabetes, and the average person being WAY out of shape? You betcha. So are we lazy? What do you think? (lol) I know you're asking, 'Is there any possible way to beat laziness, Chris?' Only hundreds. Let's start with one'''baby steps. 'Huh?' You may be asking''''.. Don't unsubscribe yet'..lol''.hear me out. Baby steps''''taking one small step to change your lifestyle'''even if it's only a minute change. I'm sure you want some examples'''I would be happy to oblige: Here's an idea, while you are watching TV at night, walk around your couch during commercials. How long is the average commercial? Answer: 2 minutes. So, for 2 minutes you can briskly walk around your couch instead of slouching in it. Take a break; continue watching your episode of Lost and repeat during the next commercial. In fact, do this for as many commercial breaks as you can handle. Will this transform you into a supermodel by the end of your episode of Lost? NO!!! And if you seriously think that it will'''.you should unsubscribe from my list, immediately. Will this tiny tip get you started'''YES. For all you extra-credit seekers out there try this: -Push-ups during commercial breaks Use these free exercise tips to get started''''and make a change! Don't be nervous, once you get started, you sure as heck won't want to look back. Thanks for reading, and for more great fitness tips and tricks visit www.fitnesswithchris.com. Enjoy!
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