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How To Stop From Snoring: Tips And Advice For Snorers - Articles SurfingIf you or a bed mate need help to stop from snoring, there are a plethora of options available to you. Well, maybe not a plethora, but you've got several different options to choose from. Before seeing a doctor, you might want to do a quick self assessment. Do you need to lose weight? Excess fat around the throat can put pressure on the airway, resulting in a loud gurgling or snoring sound. If this is the case, the only real solution is to get on the treadmill and get rid of some poundage. If you're at a pretty healthy weight, the next question to ask is whether or not you snore? If so, perhaps the best way to stop from snoring is to kick the habit. While it might be tough at first, after a few days or weeks you'll start to notice a difference. Excess mucus that results from smoking combined with the throat weakening effects of the vice can combine to cause snoring. Invest in some nicotine patches or gum and you may find that you're sleeping a lot better at night. Finally, if these two things don't work or don't pertain to you, my next suggestion is to see your dentist. At first, he or she may tell you to roll over on your side when you sleep. This will move your tongue from the back of your throat to the side of your mouth, which can clear the airway and stop the vibrations that cause the snoring sound. If this doesn't work, you may need to be fitted for a custom mandibular advancement splint. What this device does is push your lower jaw out a bit and your tongue forward. While it sounds uncomfortable, it really isn't that bad to sleep with. When you consider the next way to stop from snoring, surgery, a mandibular advancement splint is not such a tortuous option.
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