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How To Stop Your Body From Rusting Out - Articles SurfingOur liver is exposed to deterioration by acids that cause a rustic effect in our body and throws out our pH balance. An ideal pH to aim for is 6.4 for both urine and saliva. Here's why. If our body is too acidic, it will draw on body fluid, lymph, intracellular and extra-cellular fluids to re-establish the balance. When very out of balance, the body will even draw from the bones, teeth and cartilage. Excessive acidity attacks the body and causes irritation. If sweat is too acidic, it can inflame tissues and irritate the skin. Perfect examples are cases of eczema and hives. Do you suffer from burning urine, joint pain or hemorrhoids? Do you find your skin aging rapidly, your hair no longer shiny and that your nails more brittle? Do you notice irregular sleep patterns, increased occurrence of colds, flu episodes, infections and headaches and decreased physical and mental energy, leg cramps, arthritis or osteoporosis? Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body. Acids contained in foods are released during the digestive process or used by the body. These acids release hydrogen ions at varying rates. The greater the potential is for releasing hydrogen ions the lower the pH on a scale of 0-7. Strong acids such as animal proteins are difficult to neutralize and eliminate. If ingested in large quantities, they force the liver and kidney to work harder. Weak acids such as vegetable proteins and carbohydrates are volatile and eliminated in the form of gs through the lungs. The body normally expels weak acids quite easily but if your metabolism is weak this won't happen efficiently. Here's what you can do to help return your body pH to be more alkaline. The first part to renewing your pH balance starts with your diet that should include the three food groups. If you eat properly, eliminating excess acid should not be a problem. However, it will need help from supplements too. Now there are many forms of calcium. Some are acid forming and some are alkaline forming. One way to find out is by testing your urine and saliva on a daily basis. This can be done very easily with a pH tester. You can use the pH litmus strips but these aren't as accurate. What you want to get is a pH tester such as one that used in an aquarium for water testing. You then record your urine and saliva and look at the results. On a chart, anything above 6.4 is alkaline and below is acidic. To regain some balance and alkalinity, you need to take a calcium supplement, preferably liquid carbonate as it is the best one absorbed. If you are too alkaline, then look at taking calcium lactate which will acidify the urine and blood and bring you closer to that perfect number of 6.4. This testing should be done daily if you want to keep on top of too much acidity or alkalinity. Other foods such as green tea, spirulina, chlorophyll, chlorella, goat's milk, whey and especially a dose of alkaline citrates measured to your metabolism by a professional can ensure proper balance and well being.
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