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How To Use A Tanning Bed - Articles Surfing

If you need to know how to use a tanning bed, it makes sense that you find out more about the possible ailments associated with tanning in tanning beds. Tanning in a tanning bed or a tanning salon is not, as many people believe, that different from tanning on a beach. That's why it's absolutely imperative to know how to use a tanning bed properly.

Although using a tanning bed is quite simple, knowing how to tan in a tanning bed properly is another matter altogether. Using a tanning bed is, essentially, trying to replicate the tanning process in a controlled environment. The sun tans you via UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays, and that is exactly how a tanning bed tans you. In tanning salons, anyone who wants a tan can control how long a time they want to be exposed to a tanning bed's UV rays, as well as control which rays the skin itself is exposed to. On a beach, you don't, and can't, get this kind of personalized control, nor can you tan on the beach in the winter!

Tanning beds are actually quite similar to sun tanning, because the same UV radiation is creating the tan.

Using a tanning bed is quite simple. Any individual seeking to get a good tan in a tanning bed must first get a base tan, which is a deep, below the surface tan, which can take about eight sessions, depending on the pigmentation of your skin. If you need to know how to use a tanning bed, how long to stay in the tanning bed, depending on your skin tone, the employees at the tanning salon can assist you.

Obviously, tanners with fair skin should limit exposure to ultraviolet rays emitted by a tanning bed, which are pretty much exactly like the ones emitted by the sun. After building a base tan, the next thing to do is to tan a little bit at a time, to work your way towards the desired skin tone. Ultraviolet light, i.e. the light which is used in tanning beds is a slightly a different strain of the sun's type of ultraviolet rays, but because the rays are more concentrated, customers need to keep their visits short. This is the most important thing when considering how to use a tanning bed. It is in your best interests to ask for advice, and to trust the professional who is supervising your experience.

Two of the most important things to take into consideration when considering using a tanning bed are to a) wear protective goggles and b) apply liberal amounts of tanning lotion or lotions. Human eyes are extremely sensitive to ultraviolet light, and due to the concentration of the ultraviolet rays used by tanning beds, the eyes are immediately susceptible to harm. Sunglasses, once thought as acceptable protection, are absolutely, positively not to be used to protect your eyes. Using goggles specifically designed for tanning in tanning beds is the best overall idea, because goggles of this type are created specifically to protect against UV rays.

Regarding lotions, you need to consider moisture and tyrosine. Moist skin tans better, not to mention more evenly, than dry skin. This isn't ground-breaking knowledge, but most people don't moisturize enough. By moisturizing you are slowing and/or retarding the exfoliation process. Doing this effectively you will receive a good tan, so finding a proper moisturizer is absolutely essential. Tyrosine, an amino acid that assists production of melanin, which controls the skins pigmentation, is also an element in selecting the proper lotion. Tyrosine allows your body to maintain melanin levels longer, and will assist in the retardation of the exfoliation process.

If you need to know more about how to use a tanning bed, or desire someone to teach you how to use a tanning bed, consult a local specialist.

Submitted by:

Peter Vermeeren

Peter Vermeeren is the owner and webmaster of: Digital Reviews - Airsoft | Ropa Militar and Kamikaze.



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