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How to Use Ephedra Diet Pills and Weight Loss Pills Safely - Articles Surfing

Summary: Many people continue to use ephedra diet pills. Knowing how to use this specific kind of diet pills in a safe manner will prevent the occurrence of adverse side effects and potentially fatal reactions.

Even if ephedra diet pills have been embroiled in a lot of controversies in the past few years, many people still buy the pills and use them. If you are one of those people who are contemplating on using ephedra diet pills, then you should take some time to read this. It is of utmost importance that you know and understand how to use this specific kind of diet pill in a proper and safe manner, so as not to experience any adverse side effects.

The first thing that you should do is to inform your doctor of your plans to use ephedra diet pills. If you are already taking regular medications, your doctor can warn you if interactions can occur between your current medications and the diet pills.

Next, make sure that you know what type of ingredients go into the specific brand of ephedra diet pills you intend to buy. This is especially important if you are suffering from any health problems or substance-abuse problems, because the pills may cause serious complications or side effects.

Do not attempt to self-medicate with these pills. Take only the dosage of pills prescribed by your physician or suggested on the packet; otherwise, you might run the risk of overdosing. It is dangerous and unadvisable to take more than 8 mg of ephedra per dose and more than 24 mg of ephedra in a 24-hour period.

Also, do not take ephedra diet pills continuously for a long period of time. What you can do instead is to take them for one week and then take a two-day break before taking them again for another week. It is also advisable to schedule your intake of the diet pills. The best time to ingest them would be just before you engage in any major physical activity, so that any nervous energy that may result from taking them will just be worked out and sweated off.

Lastly, people who are below 18 years of age, pregnant or nursing women, and people with diseases and health complications should refrain from taking ephedra diet pills, as they may cause more harm than good.


Summary: Ephedra diet pills are relatively safer to use as compared to prescription diet pills. To be on the safe side, use them as indicated in the label and do not attempt to administer your own dosage.

Despite all the criticisms being hurled upon ephedra diet pills, no one can contest its usefulness and effectiveness in promoting fast and immediate weight loss. Many health and fitness experts consider them as one of the best aids (if not the best aid) in our continuing battle against the bulge. No other weight loss pill or product out there has yet to match it in terms of its efficiency in making an individual lose weight.

Ephedra-based diet pills and weight loss supplements are actually not harmful. It is relatively safe for use by the general public if taken as prescribed or as directed. This statement is based on extensive research studies and tests done by scientists and health professionals over a long period of time.

The fact that more than 12 million Americans are reportedly using ephedra diet pills says a lot about this product. For as long as the individual takes them reasonably, the individual using the pill will not experience any serious complications. When you buy a bottle of ephedra diet pills, there are instructions written on the bottle itself (and sometimes an instruction leaflet or page even comes along with it) indicating how you should take them. These instructions also include the proper and safe dosage of the drug. It is very, very important that you follow these instructions to the letter if you want to experience the results of taking them right away, in a safe, secure and worry-free manner.

Before using ephedra diet pills, it is important to read the instructions completely. Most importantly, do not forget to read the contraindications for use. Ephedra diet pills are not suitable for just anyone. Those who are not advised to use these diet pills include children below 18 years of age, women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding, and those who are using prescription medication on a regular basis. Aside from these groups of people, individuals who have certain health conditions or diseases, such high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy or seizure disorders, depression, diabetes, thyroid and/or liver disorders, are also not recommended to take these pills.

Submitted by:

Mark DeRosa

To find out about all of the different kinds of weight loss pills, as well as the benefits you can achieve from using ephedra diet pills. Visit http://www.netnutri.com or http://www.milliondollarweightloss.com



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