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How Well Do You Know The Air You Breath At Home? - Articles SurfingA basic understanding of indoor air quality Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)? Multiple Chemical Sensitivities )MCS)? Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)? Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDP's)? Radon? These are terms found only in obscure college chemistry texts, right? Well, not any more! Recent studies (both governmental and independent) show a dramatic increase of harmful airborne pollutants in our homes. Consequently, a number of medical conditions (including cancer) can easily be attributed to this gradual deterioration of our Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Some questions to ponder: ' What do we (and the ones we love) breathe at home, in other words, how well do we know the air we breathe? Here is list of how far down the 'rabbit hole' poor indoor air quality can take you and your family: 1. Dryness and irritation of eyes, nose and skin According to the National Lung Association (NLA), lung disease claims close to 335,000 lives every year in America, making it the third leading cause of death in the U.S. So, what is causing this disease? a) Carbon Oxides(CO,CO2)-Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)- Tobacco Smoke, Perfumes and Body Odors: b) Radon c) Dust d) Chloroform e) VOC's f) Carcinogens g) Organic Matter The list can be really long' Over the past 10 years poor indoor air quality has become one of the leading causes of disease in the United States. Since we spend 90% of our time indoors (according to the U.S. census) it is very important to understand that taking measures to reduce or eliminate indoor air pollution can dramatically increase quality of life. Here is a quick list of action steps: ' Eliminate or reduce chemical usage in your homes. Remember the solution to each problem starts with acknowledgment and the first small step.
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