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How Would You Know You Have Candida? - Articles SurfingUnfortunately diagnosing Candida is not easy, because we all have it. A test to see if Candida is present tells the Doctor nothing, when it is out of control there are a number of non specific symptoms, which means that both you and your friend may have Candida Albicans, but both of you may have completely different symptoms. The symptoms that are experienced by a person with a Candidiasis condition are very similar to that of a person with gluten intolerance. Because our genetic makeup is different, we all react in a different way and that makes empirical testing difficult. The following is a list of symptoms that may occur with Candidiasis it is not extensive and how many you suffer from depend on a number of factors such as, how many years you have had the Candida problem, and your own unique genetic makeup. The genes that you have inherited from your parents, defines your metabolic requirements, which in turn defines your personal nutritional requirements. This means that there can be no single diet or treatment for Candida Infections. Because so many bacteria live in our bodies quite naturally they are all involved in a power struggle, the good bacteria versus the bad bacteria. When our immune systems are working correctly, the proliferation of Candida is held in check; however, if it has the slightest opportunity it will proliferate and result in a Candida overgrowth. Below is a list of some of the symptoms that you may have: Allergies It is understandable why being able to diagnose these symptoms to make a determination for Candidiasis is extremely difficult. It is possible to eat, drink or inhale something to which your body shows an extreme sensitivity, your body may react immediately or at some later time. It is important to determine or to isolate what you are sensitive to so that you can confine that exposure to a minimum of occurrences. Candidiasis was isolated in the seventies but not all doctors accept that it is a condition, and even if they do, they do not always agree on the method of treatment or the symptoms. There is no standard test. Candida overgrowth will show up in a stool test, but only if someone is testing for it. If you have had a negative stool test it cannot be assumed that you have a Candida overgrowth! The following is an attempt to break down the stages that the disease may take. Stage 1 The gastro intestinal tract has many diverse functions it digests food, converts it to energy then it uses specialized proteins to transport the vitamins and minerals from the lining of the gut into the bloodstream. The molecules in the digestive system called enzymes break the food into smaller compounds; the proteins become amino acids, the fats, fatty acids, and carbohydrates become simple sugars such as glucose. These compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream, to be transported to the cells. The gastro intestinal tract is also responsible for ridding the body of its toxic wastes. The gastro intestinal tract also contains immunoglobulin, which are types of protein that acts as antibodies and defend the body against infection. When the body absorbs digested minerals the process of circulating it into the bloodstream is not simple, it has to have what is known as a carrier protein. Unfortunately, carrier proteins are specific, they only recognize one food or food group, and they grab either amino acids sugars or glucose and transport them across the intestinal wall. When the wall of the gut is swollen the carrier proteins are damaged, they cannot function, and this leads to food deficiencies. The common stages of a leaky gut are: ' Lack of absorption of nutrients, which leads to bloating, diminished energy and possibly a feeling of lethargy. ' Normally when the gut is functioning correctly the food particles are broken down into small particles, with leaky gut they can be large and this creates a tendency for food intolerances and other symptoms. ' The liver becomes overburdened with a glut of toxins. ' The protective coating of immunoglobulin A is broken leaving the body vulnerable to yeast, viruses and bacteria. Once released from the gut and in the bloodstream they can affect other parts of the body. It is not unusual to suffer migraines, have muscle pains and a fuzzy brain. ' It can be the start of auto immune disease when the body attacks itself. Once the Candida has access to the rest, of the body, it can disrupt the hormonal balance and it can cause: Allergies Once this leaky gut has occurred the Candida cells have become invasive they penetrate other cells in order to feed. Once they invade the circulatory system they release their toxins and create a condition knows as Candida Related Complex (CRC) or Candidiasis which is a Candida Yeast Overgrowth.
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