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How Your Dentist Can Help You Get A Brilliant Smile - Articles Surfing

Everyone wants to have a brilliant smile. It is, after all, one of the first things people notice about you. So perhaps you do your best to take excellent care of your teeth. You brush your teeth at least twice a day. You floss daily, sometimes even twice a day. You use mouthwash to keep gingivitis from attacking your gums. You even monitor your snacks so that you're not eating sugary foods while you're away from your toothbrush. You don't want sugar coating your teeth and causing bacteria to form. Or maybe you're the opposite side of the spectrum: you brush your teeth once a day. You never floss. You've never heard of mouthwash or gingivitis. And nothing can keep you from your daily dose of sugary snacks. But both of you want brilliant smiles. The first person in this example may have a much better idea how to achieve this feat. But for the benefit of our second person, let's discuss some of the ways that your dentist can help you get a brilliant smile.

First of all, your dentist can teach you how to brush your teeth properly. S/he will suggest toothpaste and a toothbrush that are both ADA approved. S/he will tell you that you should replace your toothbrush every 3 months, when the bristles start to show wear, or if you've been suffering from a cold or the flu. A new toothbrush is 30% more effective at removing plaque than an old toothbrush. And since plaque is what causes our teeth to become discolored or infected, we want to avoid it at all costs.

Second, your dentist will show you how to floss your teeth properly. S/he will demonstrate the best angles to use, where to floss the most vigorously and where to be gentle. S/he will also suggest the best type of floss to use for your personal oral hygiene.

Next, your dentist will do routine check-ups and cleanings every 6 months. This alone will greatly improve the brilliance of your smile. S/he will look for cavities and gum disease, treating each of them if you do indeed have a cavity. S/he will make sure that your teeth are in great shape for your smile.

Your dentist also has various cosmetic methods available to him/her that will help to brighten your smile. Here are a few options:

' Tooth whitening: professional bleaching brightens teeth that are discolored or stained. It can remove the discoloration that at-home whitening systems can't. This may be done at the dentist's office.

' Bonding: this can improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, broken, cracked, stained or have wide, unsightly spaced between them. With bonding, tooth-colored materials are 'bonded' or applied to the tooth surface

' Enamel Shaping: this involves modifying the shape of your teeth to improve their appearance by removing or contouring the enamel. This process, which is usually combined with bonding, is quick and comfortable and yields immediate results.

' Veneers: these are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front side of the teeth. They are made from tooth-colored materials, and can treat spaced between the teeth, chipped or worn teeth, or worn, permanently stained, poorly shaped or crooked teeth.

' Braces: these are usually some form of wires that are temporarily attached to your teeth. You will recognize them as the metal bars frequently seen on young teenagers. But they're not just for kids. They are for crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth. The results are not immediate but they are effective.

If you're interested in any of these cosmetic methods, contact your dentist. S/he will be able to tell you the best ways to improve and brighten your smile.

Submitted by:

Dr. Stephen J

Dr. Stephen J. Matarazzo, DDS, leading http://www.bostonsouthshoresmilecenter.com/ Dr. Matarazzo and the South Shore Smile Center specialize in Smile Makeovers, Dental Implants and Sedation Dentistry. Visit http://www.bostonsouthshoresmilecenter.com/ South Shore Smile Center or call (617) 471-8882



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