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IBS And Diet - Articles SurfingFor patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, commonly referred to as IBS, life becomes challenging. Depending on the severity of your disorder, it can have a profound affect on your life. For those who are unfamiliar with the disorder, it is an intestinal disorder that is usually characterized by abdominal pain, irregular bowel patterns, and constipation or diarrhea. Although the causes for IBS are unclear, doctors have noticed that changing your diet can really help relieve IBS symptoms. For some sufferers of the disorder, implementing a proper meal plan can be the key to paving the road to reconnecting with the life you enjoyed before IBS interfered. Since many patients don't realize how much diet can affect IBS symptoms, they continue to make poor food choices. Certain foods can actually trigger IBS episodes, causing constipation or more commonly diarrhea. Although these 'trigger' foods often differ from person to person, there are certain foods that doctors suggest that patients eat, and others that they should avoid. One thing that you need to remember is to avoid coffee and caffeine. Yes, this even means saying no to a cup of decaf. The same is true of alcoholic beverages. These types of beverages have been linked to IBS episodes and should be avoided if you suffer from IBS. The bottom line when concentrating on developing an IBS friendly diet is that any food that is high in insoluble fiber or fat isn't a good food choice. You may ask yourself why this is? It is because these types of food and the beverages mentioned above can cause disruptive reactions to your gastrocolic reflex. This is like a chain reaction that affects the muscles in your colon. What does that mean for you? It means pain. It can mean constipation or diarrhea accompanied by bloating or gas. So what should you eat? The good news is that an IBS friendly diet doesn't mean deprivation. You can still enjoy tasty foods. You can indulge in healthy foods without totally denying yourself of foods that you enjoy. The best way to find the proper foods to eat is to talk to your doctor. Aside from developing a special meal plan, there are some things you should keep in mind to help you make better food choices. The first thing you need to do is cut down on sugar. This doesn't mean you can't eat an occasional candy bar, but you might want to opt for sugar-free snacks when possible. With so many tasty alternatives, this is now easier than ever. Remember that sugar is also found in breads. You want to avoid overindulging on bread products. When it comes to dairy products, milk doesn't always 'do a body good'' particularly if you suffer from IBS. Limit your dairy consumption since it has been linked particularly with diarrhea. A great snack or meal is soup with meat. Make sure you don't load up that soup with starchy vegetables. Avoid putting grains, corn, or rice in your soup since these foods could agitate IBS symptoms. If you are eating vegetables, make sure to cook them. Raw veggies or fruit should be avoided or taken in moderation. If you do indulge in them, make sure to use a dressing that has some acid in it. This can counteract the effects of the raw fruit or vegetables. Remember that there is no one set diet that will ensure you minimize your IBS symptoms as everyone with IBS has different requirements. To help you decide on the right diet for you, you may want to keep a diet diary. Identify which particular foods trigger your IBS symptoms and try to avoid them. Educated food choices can make a real difference in the lives of IBS patients.
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