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If You Are Not Drinking Cranberry Juice, Maybe You Should Be - Articles SurfingMy favorite juice also happens to be one of the healthiest juices you can drink: cranberry juice. You may have heard wonderful things about cranberry juice. However, the truth of the matter is that cranberry juice is deliciously healthy for you. It is high in antioxidants, which are fabulous at fighting off infections. Therefore, the thinking behind that is that you, hopefully, shouldn't be getting sick as often as other people who don't really eat or drink healthy. Additionally, cranberry juice is a killer'of infections that is. Many people who are prone to getting (or who have been diagnosed with) urinary tract infections are often advised right off the bat to drink cranberry juice because in the past, cranberry juice has been shown to be extremely effective in combating infections. Cranberry juice is also high in vitamin C, which is one of the major reasons it is so good at fighting off infections. Some people don't particularly care for the taste of cranberry juice, arguing that it is too tart. However, if you go to your local supermarket, you'll find that there are a variety of cranberry juice blends. For example, there is cranberry apple juice, cranberry raspberry juice, cranberry grape juice and a host of other choices. We are all familiar with the delightful little red cranberries that are a tradition around holiday tables, but perhaps cranberries, and more specifically cranberry juice, should be on the menu more often. The range of health boosting properties found in cranberries can have quite a positive impact on your over all health as well as deal with some specific issues. One of the most widely known benefits of drinking cranberry juice is that it can help to maintain healthy urinary tract functions and fight infections in the urinary tract. It is very effective against kidney and bladder infections as well. This is due in part to the property of cranberry juice that actively prohibits certain bacteria from attaching to the urethra and bladder so that it can be flushed out of the system. But this is not the only great health benefit from drinking cranberry juice. The polyphenol antioxidants, which are a type of photochemical found in cranberries, is believed to have anti-cancer properties and to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system. The high level or organic acids found in cranberries also emulsifies fat deposits and the levels of vitamin C and other properties is a great boost for the immune system. Some studies also indicate that cranberry juice can help improve respiratory infections and have an effect on the bacteria that causes about 40% of middle ear infections. So with all of the great health benefits, maybe there should be some cranberry juice in your fridge. And don't worry, if the taste is a bit to bitter for you, it can be mixed with other juices, such as apple, raspberry, or orange juice to sweeten it up a bit. So grab a glass and enjoy; it's good for you after all!
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