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Impetigo Treatment - Articles SurfingWhat is it? Impetigo is a skin infection caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. This infection is more common in children, though it can also affect adults. Impetigo commonly affects the area around the nose and mouth. It usually starts as a red area, which can be painful and itchy. After a day or so the infected area can become crusty with a characteristic golden color. If not treated for many days or weeks, the infection becomes more widespread. Occasionally blisters can form in areas affected by impetigo when it is called bullous impetigo. Precautions Impetigo is highly infectious so take appropriate precautions when handling the patient. Wash your hands after handling lesion or bandages. Dispose of used dressings to prevent re-infection. Wash towels, sheets and clothing in antibacterial detergent. Keep children out of school until successfully treated. Treatment Do consult your dermatologist if you suspect that you or someone in your family is suffering from impetigo. You will most probably be prescribed a dose of antibiotics to help cure the symptoms of this disease. In addition, you may also want to try a course of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has proved to be very effective in the treatment of impetigo and it is completely compatible with allopathic methods of treatment that your dermatologist may recommend. Some of the aromatherapy essential oils that are used in the treatment of impetigo are tea tree and lavender. Tea Tree. Tea Tree oil is distilled from the leaves and branches of the Tea Tree, a small tree belonging to the myrtle family, and a native of the marshland of New South Wales. Its wide range of medicinal uses has been verified by research. Tea tree is not only a very strong antiseptic but non-toxic and non-irritant as well. It dissolves pus, leaving infected wounds clean. Essential oil of the Tea Tree can be applied locally to the infected area in the form of creams or soap. The smell of tea tree is also very refreshing and revitalizing. Lavender Lavender oils are distilled from the blue flowering spikes of the lavender bush, just before opening. Lavender has long been known as an antiseptic and for its skin healing properties. It also boosts the immune system. Essential oils of lavender can be applied as a face oil or lotion or as a soap. The smell of lavender has a very relaxing effect. In addition to aromatherapy treatment for impetigo there are a few more things that you can do to speed up the cure. - Eat a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables.
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