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Improve Your Health With The Law Of Attraction - Articles SurfingAre you concerned about your health? Do you experience health problems? Have you heard about the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is a universal Law that can help you in achieving good health and well being. There are literally millions of people that are depending on medicines to make them feel better and to become healthy. While it is true, that we do need medicine sometimes it is also true that many people who are dependent on medicine could get well by using the Law of Attraction. You may ask how the Law of Attraction works to improve your well being? The Law of Attraction is a universal law. This means that everybody on this earth is affected by this law. While it is true that most people do not even know about the Law of Attraction, the people who do know however can create their lives deliberately in the way that they want to. The Law of Attraction responds to our individual vibrations. We can have good or bad vibrations. The Law of Attraction will bring to us what we are vibrating, so if our vibs are good we get more of what matches the same vibs, if our vibrations are bad we get more of that kind. We are vibrational beings and whatever we are thinking and feeling affects what we are vibrating. So how can you change vibrations? You can change your vibrations by changing the way you think or feel. Here are some effective tools to change your vibrations and to improve your health and well being: 1. Start meditation sessions daily. Choose a quiet place for this. You can do this any time of the day. Turn off TVs, radios, phones aso. To be sure that everything can stay quiet around you during your meditation. This is important so that there are no distractions if possible. When you are meditating you are connecting to universal energy. You want to dismiss any thought that may enter your mind during this session. You want to keep quiet and still and if possible you want to give your mind a chance to relax along with your body. This is essential for your overall well being and will help you with your goal for better health. 2. Focus on positive thought patterns. Try to avoid negative thoughts. If you worry or experience anxieties you will soon notice a difference when doing your meditations regularly. Put positive information into your mind. Read up on encouraging success stories about people who have experienced recoveries from health problems against all arts. This will help you to develop positive thought patterns. The Law of Attraction will respond accordingly. 3. To help to impress thinking of health and well being on your subconscious mind you can say some affirmations daily for at least 10 minutes. Here are just 2 examples of affirmations that may work for you: ' I am healthy and strong and I love my body, or I am grateful for my health and well being, I thank my body '! These affirmations may not describe your current health but they describe what you want to feel like and they describe the kind of health that you want. The Law of Attraction will respond to this. The law is that like attracts like. There is no exception. To find out more about the Law of Attraction you can spend just a few minutes online. There are also many books written about the subject of the Law of Attraction that you can read when visiting a local bookstore or checking out books online. Why not get started today and enjoy better health by using the Law of Attraction?
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