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Improve Your Posture And Look 10 Pounds Thinner Instantly! - Articles Surfing

Do you think you'd look better if you could just lose ten pounds? Many would answer 'yes,' but what most don't know is they can instantly look 10 pounds thinner simply by standing straighter.

That's right ' improving posture can help you look pounds thinner instantly. Here's why. When the upper back slumps forward, your ribcage presses down onto your lungs and internal organs. This puts a downward pressure on the midsection. Your internal organs have nowhere to go except down and out, instantly making your mid-section wider, by several inches, than it really is. Slumping also forces your belly to protrude more which actually adds to and accentuates a pot belly.

That's right - poor posture instantly adds a couple of inches to your mid-section and makes your mid-section and belly appear larger than they really. And what person do you know feels they look better with a larger waistline and belly? No one that I know needs or wants a larger waist and belly.

Try this little test. Pretend you are waiting for a bus or an elevator and assume your normal stance. Place a cloth measuring tape around your waist. Now lift up your rib cage slightly, as if a string attached to your breastbone were pulling it toward the ceiling. Check the tape measure again and you will see that you can pull that tape measure a good few inches tighter. Your waistline will instantly lose an inch or two in girth.

Clearly posture matters. Your mother was right when she told you to straighten up. And you have probably heard, many times throughout your life, that you need to stand up straight. But has anyone ever shown you exactly how to do this? When most people try to improve their posture, they jam their shoulders back and stand as stiff as soldiers.

This is wrong not only because no one can sustain this position for more than a few seconds, but also because it does not align the body properly. Standing up straight and improving alignment is more than just trying to jam your shoulders back as this position looks odd and unnatural and actually puts more stress and tension in your neck and upper back muscles. Many people tend to hold too much tension in this area anyway. The last thing we need to do is add more.

You know you have good posture, when from a side view, your ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle are in a straight line. Janice Novak's 'One Minute To Better Posture Technique' will have you standing straighter instantly. Try it. You won't be disappointed.

1. Stand with your feet about 6 inches apart. Your knees should be straight, but not locked.

2. Inhale. As you exhale, pull your belly button towards your spine, just like you would if you were trying to zip up a tight pair of pants.

3. Next, lift your ribcage. Think of separating the bottom of your rib cage from your hip bones, as if a string attached to your breastbone was pulling the rib cage up slightly towards the ceiling. This little movement helps flatten the upper back and realigns your head over your shoulders, and instantly slims your waistline.

4. Gently press your shoulders down, away from your ears. Pull your shoulder blades back, towards the spine, then press them down, as if you wanted to tuck your shoulder blades into your back pockets. This movement will instantly un-round your shoulders.

Submitted by:

Janice Novak

Janice Novak has a Master's Degree in Health & Physical Education and is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker and wellness consultant. Her program improves health, decreases sick days and improves productivity, alertness, energy and motivation. Visit Improve Your Posture



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