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Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise - Articles SurfingThe type 2 diabetic condition is brought about by a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and a lack of nutrients, which results in the insulin the body naturally produces becoming less and less effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control and in a normal range. While change in diet and proper nutritional supplementation have a dramatic effect in bringing blood sugar levels down without the need for drugs or insulin, exercise can greatly contribute to the overall control of the diabetic condition, as can be seen in the following excerpt: "While many people may begin exercising out of a sense of responsibility - the way children eat vegetables they don't like - the main reason they keep exercising is that it feels good." "Overall, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to carry on day-to-day activities as they age." "One of the great benefits is that many people find that when they exercise, they have less desire to overeat." "Even though your fat won't 'melt away,' exercise, particularly if you're a Type II diabetic, is still of value in a weight-reduction program because muscle building reduces insulin resistance." "As you increase your muscle mass, your insulin needs will be reduced - and having less insulin present in your bloodstream will reduce the amount of fat you pack away." "As a result, your own insulin production gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar." excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution Higher Morning Sugar Levels? Blood sugar can be brought down and kept at normal levels throughout the day, yet, many diabetics find that even though they have not eaten before bedtime, when they wake up in the morning their blood sugar levels are elevated. This is caused by something called the "dawn phenomenon": "Although the mechanics of the dawn phenomenon aren't yet entirely clear, research suggests that the liver deactivates more circulating insulin during the early morning hours." [This results in sugar not being pushed into cells for energy but building up in the blood instead.] "Investigators have actually measured blood sugar every hour throughout the night under similar circumstances. They find that the entire blood sugar increase occurs about 6-10 hours after bedtime for most people who are so affected." "Both the time it takes for blood sugar to increase and the amount of the increase vary from one person to another. An increase may be negligible in some and profound in others." excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution You can begin maintaining healthy blood sugar levels with regular exercise combined with a low carbohydrate diet and by supplementing with the correct nutrients. This can also help reduce the effects of the "dawn phenomenon".
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