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Information About Diabetes - Articles SurfingDo you have diabetes? Are you struggling to live with diabetes? Are you looking for information online about diabetes? Are you unsure as to what types of foods you should now be eating to help keep a check on your glucose levels? If you have answered yes to any of these questions this article may well be of interest and benefit to you. One of the main health aims for people who have diabetes is to keep their blood glucose levels as normal as possible. I suppose the question then has to be, what are normal blood glucose levels? The answer is four to seven millimols per litre of blood before meals and up to ten millimols per litre of blood two hours after a meal. If you are unsure as to what this means or if you have any doubts at all it would be best advice to ask your doctor or nurse for additional advice. What you eat each day will ultimately affect your blood glucose levels therefore it is important to try and stay away from certain types of food. These would include all of the fatty type foods such as chips, crisps and chocolate. Quite simply the foods to choose should be ones that are low in fat, sugar and salt. Types of food you can eat: It is important that your calorie intake is not always fluctuating as this can have a damaging affect on your blood glucose levels, therefore try to keep it as constant as possible. It is recommended that you keep alcohol down to two units a day for women and three units a day for men. I know a lot of people who think it is hardly worth drinking at all if this is all they are allowed to drink. They have actually decided to stop drinking alcohol altogether and it has helped them no end. I have to say that the people in question were unable to stick to these recommended limits and that once they had drank a couple of pints of beer would not be able to stop as they now had the taste for it. They would end up drinking up to around eight or ten pints. This lack of self discipline is why they decided to become tee-total.
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