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Invisalign Braces Can Surely Cure Crooked Teeth - Articles SurfingEverybody is not born with healthy and perfect teeth. It is with the passage of time that your teeth develop some kind of dental defects. These dental defects can be misaligned, crooked, missing or chipped teeth. It is not a major problem that cannot be corrected or treated. Majority of people may develop a problem of crooked teeth, as they grow up. It really looks awkward if your teeth are not aligned properly. In fact, it mars your confidence and you may not be able to face the society. In this case, Invisalign braces are the best treatment that can be applied on the teeth. People with dental defects do not like to apply something permanent on their teeth. After all, permanent braces looks bad. Moreover, it becomes really problematic to wear those traditional metal braces. Invisalign is a special treatment invented by Align technology, so that patients do not have to experience the heaviness of those metal braces. Invisalign braces are a part of orthodontic therapy that promotes these braces as virtually invisible. In fact, these Invisalign braces are not at all identifiable. This makes them wear for a longer time. Before applying Invisalign braces on your teeth, an orthodontist will take your dental impressions, x-rays and photographs of your teeth. Then these impressions are put to a CT-scan from which a computer creates 3-dimensional model. After this, individualizing of the teeth in the computer model is done and moved to their final position as prescribed by an orthodontist. Custom software then simulates the movement of the teeth in stages. The orthodontist reviews the simulation online by using Align technology's Clin Check via a web browser and approves the treatment. After the treatment if being approved, a plastic resin aligner is manufactured for each stage of the computer simulation. The time of the treatment varies according to the complexity of the problem. Average treatment time is less than a year, while simple treatments such as minor crowding and minor spacing may take only six months. Although the aligners can be removed, they must be worn constantly to avoid delaying the treatment process. An added advantage of Invisalign braces is that they are not visible and don't hamper your smile. Every other thing that has lots of advantages, accompanies disadvantages too. Though Invisalign braces are light and not visible, they have to be removed everytime you eat. It really becomes tedious that braces have to removed and worn again and again. Moreover, it is mandatory for you to brush your teeth and those braces after eating something. This becomes problematic, as you may end up brushing so many times in a day. The treatment price is fixed by orthodentist, depending upon the complexity of problem. As far as the entire price is concerned, it may range between $ 2000 and $ 5000. Whatever the case may be, a variety of people prefer to go for Invisalign braces rather than traditional style braces.
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